Shit im in deep shit

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3 days later... Outfit above ☝️
I slowly open up the blood stained note to see

Hello my love,
You haven't met me yet but in time you will. I will come for you but until then I have eyes everywhere I'm watching you and I see you have grows quite attached to your little mate, but no worry I can get rid of that

Until next time my darling
Yours truly Harley the vampire King xx


I shoot up out of bed covered in sweat and my heart racing with worry and fear
"Did you have that same nightmare?" Blake mumbles into the pillow
"Y-yeah " I tell him truthfully
"It's ok it's bound to happen I mean you did see your parents dead"
"Yeah true ill be fine in a bit " I tell him
Well we better get up for school snow says
"Urg I completely forgot about school today" me and Blake had been given 3 days off after my parents but now it was time to go back.. Yippie , not
"Yeah well I'm gunna go take a shower" he says hopping out of bed taking the covers with him to cover himself from the cold leaving me here to freeze, you see it is currently the start of winter so it's freezing yet for some unknown reason I am going to wear shorts, yup you can see why I'm in top set, pfft not I really have no idea why I am in there I have no common sense at all..


I step out of my beautiful car and walk over to the doors, except this time it was different and really creepy , because as I was walking most people (everyone except the jocks as they were to busy making out with someone and the sluts because they were either the other half to the making out or were just to jealous or vain) bowed and said hello Luna or something along those lines, creepy..
When I do get to my locker I see all my friends there
"The bitch is back!!" Exclaims James making everyone turn and look at us weirdly I just laugh and stick my tongue out.
"I'm so sorry babe we heard about what happened- wow wow wow wow , HE MARKED YOU BEFORE I COULD DO THE HURT HER AND YOU DIE SPEACH ?!?" Emma screams getting louder each word
"would you shut your fat mouth up I don't want everyone to know!" I exclaim
"I think they can smell him on you and vice verse" Sarah whispers, oh shit she right.
"Oh yeah shit that's why I got dagger eyes burning into my soul on the way in here by Ashley and her bitch batch!" She laughs and nods her head saying probably. But then the dreaded sound of the bell goes and we all split up and head to class
I have PE with Annie and joe so we head Into the changing rooms and get ready


We have been running for about 45 minutes when our PE teacher gives us all different coloured cards.
"I want you to all go out into the woods only in our pack barrier and use your wolf senses to find your card now go" he demands us.. Ok let's go we are so going to win this ! Snow excitedly exclaims I giggle before sprinting of into the woods.
I bring the card up to my face and smell it before smelling my surroundings and sprinting in the direction of the scent..

I had been running for 5 minutes when I come to a tree with my card attached I go to grab it when I feel arms wrap around my waist, I quickly turn my body around and punch the person in the face not bothering to see who it is, he stumbles back a bit giving me a view of who it is,
Harley the vampire King
He quickly recovers from my punch and stands up straight.
"My my you really are beautiful aren't you ? Yes you will make a perfect queen for me and my pack, with you and your lovely white wolf we will be unstoppable. Ya know you are really strong almost hurt me" he says in a monotone
"I will never be your queen I have a mate as you already know and I love him so if you will be so kind" I gesture for him to leave.
"Oh but you see I can't do that without you so I guess you will have to just come along with me" he says before I feel a sharp pain in my neck and my vision going blurry, the last thing I see is Karl a 15 year old boy from our pack with a sorry face , but I don't care this is arson he can't do this!! Then everything goes black and I feel nothing.


I open my eyes slowly and when I do it isn't a very good thing to wake up to , I can smell blood and death and all I can see is darkness with the only light being the small window and a light coming from the door. I sit up and squint my eyes and suddenly everything from when ever I was last awake, shit I'm in deep shit..


My mate is a annoying possessive alphaWhere stories live. Discover now