Oh im just going to say it.. Hes drop dead gorgeous

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Turn out the baby names are for Mara I changed my mind 😂🙊😚

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*mara's PoV

"Wow you've had it tough haven't you sweetie, you should of called and I would of came and helped out !" She soothes
"Yeah I know, but we got through it so it's good, and now we're going to war then hopefully after that if we win everything will be great and happy again..." I mumble she nods and hugs me,
"Oooo you must show me your powers I mean they must be good to make you look so pretty and different!" She exclaims pointing out my hair and eyes, I laugh a little.
"Yeah corse I will! I will tomorrow but right now we should probably get you a room and you have to sign the letter so that we know your not a rogue and your visiting" I explain
"Who's visiting ?" I voice comes and I see Blake walking down the stairs
"Hi babe, you taking a break from war business ? Anyway my sister is and her mate and daughter!" He nods and comes up to me wrapping his arms around me and putting his head in my neck
"I'm tired.." He mumbles making me giggle, I turn my head to him
"How bout I do some planning with the boys and you take a nap. He looks hesitant but nods and gives me a kiss, I kiss back before he pulls away
"Thank you" he yawns before going up the stairs, I sigh. Well got to get to work!
"That's your mate ? Wow he's lovely hes very.. Oh I'm just going to say it he's drop dead gorgeous!!" She shouts, I laugh nodding and am just about to reply when Blake mind links me
I like her, she always speaks the truth he says proudly pfft yeah right I exclaim hey ! You know it's true. Or have you forgot ? Wanna see again.. He slurs flirtatiously na I'm good, plus you tired and I have work to do, also I can't just say to my sister.. Gotta go see Blake so he can remind me he's drop dead gorgeous ! Can I ? I shout true, bye !
I don't reply as margo waves her hand In front of me,
"Sorry mind link!" She laughs
"Thought so" she says back I lead her upstairs as we carry her bags and take her to a room
"Erm once you've unpacked ask someone to help you find me and you can sign the letters , ok ? " I ask
"Yup that's fine, I'm going to get Cameron to come help me unpack." And with that she leave and I head to the main office where I see Kyle and Dylan sat there along with Blake's parents. Anya(Blake's mam) comes rushing over to me pulling me into a hug
"Oh hello darling, I haven't seen you in a while! You and Blake really must come visit more, you will won't you ?" She rushes out I laugh
"Corse we will,Sorry we haven't talked much" I mumble into her, Dan (Blake's dad) comes over
"Let go of the poor girl Anya your squashing her" he explains pulling her back, she blushes slightly
"Sorry, I've just missed her" I giggle and he nods going to sit down with her, I go over to Blake's seat  and sit down leaning forward to see the plans so far.
"Ok so I've took over for Blake while he rests, lets get planning!" They nod and groan before leaning forward and chatting about techniques.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* blake's PoV

Mara comes through the door quietly before going into the closet and changing, I lay there waiting for her to come back out. Two days we have until Sam attacks, not going to lie and say I'm not worried because I am, but I think we are prepared and will win this. My thoughts are cut of when Mara emerges from the closet In a tank top and booty shorts and climbs into bed, she turns to look at me and jumps a little when she sees I'm actually awake.
"You scared me! I've been quiet thinking your still asleep!" She gasps hitting me over the head once. I wince
"Well sorry, you looked so cute tiptoeing around so I just let you"she pecks my nose
"Well I'm going to sleep, I'm tired and were finished planning we just need to train a little more and we will be unstoppable" she grins making me smile
"I love you" I whisper
"I love you too" she mumbles back before drifting off to sleep, I wrap my arms around her and slowly drift off with her.

I wake up and yawn before looking down and seeing Mara asleep curled up in a ball fast asleep, I go to her out of bed and creep my way to the door but as I reach it a little voice says
"Where you goinnnng?" Dang it, forget breakfast for her before she wakes.
"I WAS going to make you breakfast in bed but your awake now.
"Sorry..." She mumbles, I go over to the bed and hug her
"Don't worry I'll do it another day" I smile making her grin and nod
"Well I'm going in the shower" she demands before heading towards the bathroom door
"Can I join? I mean you know to save water and help the world and stuff." I question hopefully, she looks back with a 'I'm not stupid' look
"Yeah, that's the reason. Whatever come on then!" She says smiling, I grin hoping up and walking to the door with her holding  her hand.


Sorry I know boring
Also I know I said that the baby names weren't for Mara but they are as well now hah sorry!! 😂🙊😚




Byeeee xx

My mate is a annoying possessive alphaWhere stories live. Discover now