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Topic: Beach


It was a hot day. Robin was playing in the sand and Raven was reading a book. Robin had taken her to the beach to cool off, but she insisted on reading. He wiped his forehead and glared at her.

"Raven. Stop reading."

She continued reading, ignoring him. Growing weary, he took the book and stuck it in the sand. "Now come on! It's such a beautiful day!" He glared, putting his hands on his hips. Having no choice, she crept towards the water. She stopped at the shore, reluctant to enter. "Rae... Don't be scared. It's just water. It can't hurt you," he said, putting his hands on her hips. "It can drown me," she protested. He chuckled, pulling her in. "I won't let that happen to you, babe. Just keep your hands on my neck." She breathed in. She let him pull her into the water, heart pounding.



She removed a hand off his neck to splash water on his face. She giggled at him. Glaring through his mask, he picked her up and threw her into the water. She began to scream when he pulled her back up. He howled in laughter.

"Raven. I love you too much to let you drown, baby."

She clung to him tightly. She began to hyperventilate. "I-hate you." He chuckled, kissing her.

"I love you too, Raven."


Awie! I just love this ship. 😍 And I love writing for you, my fishies. Write more soon! ❤🐠

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