"You wouldn't have jumped."

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I was on my way to the third class area. I opened the gate and walked down the stairs that lead to the E-Deck. I went under the deck and looked around. Everyone was staring at me, and I started to feel insecure. I considered leaving, but then I spotted Jack. A little girl hopped of his lap and ran to her parents. I approached Jack, who had yet to notice me. His friend did, and nudged Jack and nodded in my direction. Jack saw me and stood up. The room was deadly quiet, no one spoke. They were all staring at us.

"Hello, Mr. Dawson." I greeted.

"Hello again." He said awkwardly. I looked around.

"Ah, may I speak with you?" I asked. Jack shrugged and nodded.


"... In private." I added, once I realized he wasn't going anywhere.

"Yes, of course." Jack said when he understood. He grabbed some sort of portfolio anf gestured with his hand forward. "After you." He said politely. We walked through many gates, leading to the upper decks. Jack looked at everything in awe, I bet it was very fancy for him up here.

"It's a beautiful day." I said, trying to break the ice. Jack nodded.

"Yeah, I suppose so. But I hardly believe you wanted to talk about the weather." He said and looked at me questionably.

"Yes, you're right. Um... Jack - Mr. Dawson." I corrected myself. "I -"

"You can call me Jack." He interrupted and smiled at me. I gave him a small one back.

"Jack ... I feel like such an idiot. It took me all morning to find the nerve to go and face you." I began, unsure of what exactly to say.

"Well here you are." Jack said.

"Yes, here I am..."

"Why did you want to face me, Miss DeWitt Bukater?" He asked.

"Daisy. Call me Daisy." I told him. "You see, I wanted to thank you for what you did. Not just for pulling me back, but also for your discretion as well."

"You're welcome." Jack said, but I got the feeling he was judging me. I sighed.

"I know what you must be thinking. 'Poor little rich girl, what does she know about misery?'" I said sarcastically, but Jack shook his head.

"No." He said, and I turned around, surprised. "No, that's not what I was thinking. What I was thinking was 'What could have happened to this girl to make her think she had no way out?'"

"... Well it was everything!" I blurted out. By now we had stopped walking, and I was gripping the railing and looking at the sea. "It was... my whole world, and all the people in it! And the inertia of my life, plunging ahead of me... and I'm powerless to stop it! I mean, as soon as we dock in New York I am to marry my sister's fiancé's brother who is over twenty years older than me! And I didn't even know about it until last week!" I stopped to breath. I looked over at Jack. He was looking at me with curiosity, his head tilted to the side. I started talking again.

"I feel like I'm... like I'm standing in a crowded room, screaming at the top of my lungs, and no one even looks up." It was silent for a long time until Jack suddenly spoke.

"Do you love him?"


"Do you love him?" He repeated, slower.

"You're being very rude. You shouldn't be asking me this, Jack." I told him, trying to act like a proper lady would. Jack smirked.

"It's a simple question." He shrugged. "Do you love the guy or not?" He was right, it was a simple question.

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