My Mistake

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Cal paced back and forth in front of me, completely ignoring Rose, who was trying to calm him down. This had been going on for a while, and I hadn't dared to move from my seat or say anything. I don't know where Rose had gotten the courage to grab his arm and try to stop him from pacing but by know that courage had started to fade. Cal looked like a bomb that was about to explode, but so far, he haf successfully tried to contain it. And in my opinion, calm Cal was much scarier than if-looks-could-kill Cal, and that was saying something.
Multiple times he had stopped in front of me and opened his mouth as if to say something, but then instead chuckled, shaked his head and continued with the pacing. Each time made me question his sanity. More than usually. But then.

The bomb exploded.

In a flash his hand went through the air and smacked me right across the face. My head snapped back as I clutched my cheek, stunned. From the corner of my eye I saw Rose gasp and rush towards me but Cal pushed her away in one harsh motion.

"Look at that, it is a little slut, isn't it?"

I didn't answer, too busy trying to hold back the tears. The throbbing pain my cheek was all I could focus on and it was quite obvious it was going to bruise.
Cal grabbed my shoulders and shaked me.

"Look at me you little - "

I heard a knock and two seconds later a steward barged in.

"Sir, I've been told to ask you to please put on your lifebelt, and come up to the boat deck."

"Get out. We're busy." Cal snapped not taking his eyes off of me.

The steward ignored him and marched over to the closet where the lifebelts were.

"I'm sorry about the inconvenience, Mr. Hockley, but it's Captain's orders. Please dress warmly, it's quite cold tonight." He answered cooly and walked over to us handing Rose and I our lifebelts. "Not to worry, misses, I'm sure it's just a precaution." He said and left.

Cal ran his hand over his face in frustration.

"This is ridiculous." He muttered as he left the room to fetch mother. Rose turned to me.

"We'll be okay, sister. You don't have to worry." She tried comfort me.

"It's not us I'm worried about." I whispered as I stood up and left the cabin.


As soon as my eyes locked with Mr. Andrews', I knew. This ship was doomed. The unsinkable ship was going to sink, and there was nothing that could be done about it. Had the situation been any other, I probably would have laughed at the irony, but this was not a laughing matter.

"Mr. Andrews!" I called, rushing down to meet him by the grand staircase.

"Ah, Daisy!" He tried to greeted casually, but I was not having any of it.

"Cut the crap and tell me the truth... Please." I added, once I realized what I said. "The ship is going to sink isn't it?"

Mr. Andrews scratched the back of his head and eyed the surroundings nervously before sighing and meeting my blick.

"Yes, the ship is going to sink."

"You're absolutely certain?"

He sighed again and gently grabbed my shoulders, leading me away from the crowd.

"Yes." He replied. "In an hour or so, all of this will be at the bottom of the Atlantic..."

I gasped in horror. I figured there would have been more time. "Oh my god..."

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