Make Each Day Count

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Well, to say mother was mad would have been an huge understatement. She was outraged! She stood there scolding me for atleast half an hour. She fake cried because she "blaimed herself" for the fact that I was "deranged" and had "raised me wrong". Then she slapped me.
But eventually, we were ready to go down for dinner. I walked behind Cal, Rose and mother as he escorted them down the stairs. I spotted Jack, who seemed to be practicing how to greet like a first class gentelmen. It was amusing. I'm quite sure Molly lent him clothes. He looked handsome.
Jack stopped adrabtly when he saw me. I smiled and walked down to him. He lifted my glowed hand and kissed the back of it.

"I saw that in a Nickelodeon once, and I always wanted to try it." He told me and I giggled a little. He held his arm out for me and we walked after my family.

"Cal!" I called, causing him to turn. "Darling, surely you remember Mr. Dawson?"

The look on his face was priceless. I had to supress a giggle at his shocked expression. Soon enough it returned to a polite smile, though.

"Mr. Dawson?" Cal faked as if he was pleasently suprised. "It's amazing! You could almost pass as a gentleman."

"Almost." Came Jack's reply.

"How wonderful you were able to join us, Mr. Dawson." Rose broke the awkward silence and I shot her a thankful blick. "Isn't it, mother?" She added.


"Thank you for inviting me, Ms. Dewitt Bukater. It's and honor." Jack smiled at my sister.

"Please, call me Rose." She said, before Cal lead her and mother away.

"How extraordinary." I heard him murmur to himself.

Jack and I slowly followed, with me pointing out people.


So, mother had decided to try and make Jack feel as uncomfortable as possible. I don't know if it worked or not, but if it did, he didn't show it.

"Tell us of the accommodations in steerage, Mr. Dawson." Mother urged, pretending to be interested. "I hear they're quite good on this ship."

"Well, they're the best we've seen, ma'am." Jack replied. "Hardly any rats." He added, earning a round of laughter.

"Mr. Dawson is joining us from third-class." Cal said. It seemed that he was on the same mission as mother. "He was of some assistance to Daisy."

"It turns out Mr. Dawson is quite a fine artist." I commented. I wasn't going to just sit her and let them make fun of Jack. "He was kind enough to show me some of his work today."

Cal scoffed.

"Daisy and I differ somewhat in our definition of fine art, Rose here has a similar taste to mine, though. Isn't that right sweetheart?" He mocked and turned to Rose, who didn't answer. She only sipped her drink and looked away. "Not to impute your work, sir." Cal added to Jack who shook his head, showing he wasn't offended.

I glared at Cal, what a jerk.

"Do you take caviar, sir?" The waiter asked Jack.

"Oh, no caviar for me thanks." He replied. "I never liked it much." The waiter moved on.

"Your ship is a wonder, Mr. Andrews." Rose suddenly commented. "Truly."

"Thank you, Rose." Mr. Andrews beamed at her and was about to say something else when mother interrupted him. Gosh, she just can't keep her mouth shut.

"Where exactly do you live, Mr. Dawson?"

"Well, right now my adress is the RMS Titanic." He replied. "After that, I'm on God's good humor."

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