The Shooting Star

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He was still holding my hand when he led me down the stairs and my heart was fluttering. I could hear loud music and when we turned a corner I saw them. The majority of the third class was here, dancing and drinking and arm wrestling. It was nothing like the first class 'parties'. This one was actually fun.


I sat with Jack's friend Tommy and other people while he danced with that little girl, Cara. It was an adorable sight, really. How well he got along with kids. I smiled to myself.

Some man opposite to me was trying to have a conversation with me but I couldn't understand what he said. He spoke a different language.

Ignoring the man, I clapped and swayed along the music. I felt so happy, and as selfish as it is, I wished I was a third class passenger. At the moment, it seemed better.
No doubt, Cal had sent Lovejoy after me, which ment I'd be in trouble later, but right now I couldn't care less.
The music ended and I saw Jack mumble something to Cara and point at me. Oh no.

He walked over and pulled me to my feet.

"You're still my best girl, Cora!" He called to her as the music started again.

"I don't know the steps!" I shouted over the noises. Jack laughed and pulled me closer.

"Neither do I! Just go with it, and don't think!"

I shook my head at him but laughed and tried my best to keep up with the music, and Jack. He then led me up the steps and glanced down to the crowd, before dropping my hand. I was confused at first but that feeling vanished when he managed to clog a few steps. I laughed and kicked my shoes of before I attempted to copy him. Jack clapped, looking impressed, then clogged with me again.
Without warning he grabbed my hands and we spun in a circle. I couldn't stop laughing. This was the best night of my life.


Later Jack offered me a drink that got thrown on me when a drunk man stumbled. Jack was pissed, but I just laughed.

"I'm fine!" I told him. In a matter of fact, I was better than 'fine'. I was on top of the world!

I spotted Tommy and some Swedish man arm wrestling and walked over to them.

"So," I paused and stole Tommy's cigarette before turning to the winner, the Swedish man. "You think you're a big tough man? Let's see you do this." I puffed the cigarette before turning to Jack. "Hold this for me Jack." I commanded, lifting my skirt. "Hold it up."

He complied. I raised my arms and prepared myself. I stood up on my toes and everyone gasped in amazement. It only lasted a few seconds until I lost my balance and fell. Fortunately, Jack caught me before I hit the ground. I felt my heart flutter again.

"Are you alright?" Jack asked. I nodded, laughing.

"I haven't done that in years!" I shouted over the music.

Another jig played and someone started a reel. Jack grabbed my hand, and I grabbed someone else's. Oh the joy.


"Come Josephine in my flying machine, going up she goes, up she goes." We sang. Not knowing the following line we just hummed before it turned to laughter. But my smile faltered when I spotted the sign. First Class.

"Here we are..." I mumbled, taking of the coat Jack borrowed me.

"Right." He nodded as he took the coat, looking dissapointed. I was too, I didn't want this night to end. I didn't want to return to fancy dinners and corsets. I didn't want to return to my forced marriage and I didn't want to agree with everything mother and Cal said. I hated it. I hated it all. I hated my reality.
The third class passengers new how to have fun. They accepted each other, no one judged anyone. They had real smiles on their faces. I had too, until now.
I didn't want to return to the reality.

"I don't want to go back." I voiced my thoughts, looking up at the beatiful sky, full of stars. "Look." I gasped, walking over to the railing. "It's so beautiful."

"Yeah." Jack whispered and followed me.

"So vast and endless!" I almost shouted. I had completely lost myself in the stars. "The stars are so small." I said. "Not like my crowd...They think they're giants...They're not even dust in God's eyes."

"There's been a mistake." Jack suddenly commented, making me look at him in confusion. I almost forgot he was here. "You're not one of them. You got mailed to the wrong address." I laughed.

"I did, didn't I?" We both laughed and I turned my gaze back to the sky. "Look! A shooting star!" I pointed.

"That was a long one." Jack said quietly as we watched it fade away. "Pops used to say that whenever you see one, it was a soul going to heaven."

"I'd like that idea." I mumbled. "Say, aren't we supposed to wish on it?"

"Why?" Jack asked, looking down at me. "What would you wish for?"

Only now did I realize how close we were standing. His lips were inches from mine. I stared into his deep blue eyes and it was so obvious. I knew what I would wish for. Jack. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Every second of every minute of every day. He made me happy. Happier than I've ever been. I loved him. And I had to tell him, somehow.

So, I kissed him.

You didn't expect that, did you!
I'm so sorry you had to wait so long for this chapter! I've been busy, and in all honesty... Lazy. But you guys voting and commenting my story inspires me so thank you for that! Also, I'm sorry this chaper is so short.
Much love,

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