Man Of My Dreams

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The next morning, I was drinking tea on our private balcony, thinking about last night. A smile made it's way to my face. But it vanished as soon as it appeared. Cal stormed over to me, his nostrils flaring in rage. It didn't take a genius to realize that he knew where I had been. Somehow, he still kept his composure.

"I was hoping you would come home last night." He said in a deadly calm voice that sent shivers down my spine.

"I was tired." I mumbled, wanting nothing more than the coverstation to end. Cal glared at me.

"Yes, your exertions below decks were no doubt exhausting." He stated. I stiffened. Of course I knew this was coming.

"I see you had that undertaker of a manservant follow me." I tried to act like the fact that I got caught didn't bother me. I took a sip of tea. "How typical... If it's not Rose then it's me." His glare hardened.

"You will never behave like that again, Daisy." He snapped. "Do you understand?"

Oh, that was it. He had no right to treat me like this.

"I'm not a foreman in one of your mills that you can command!" I spat. "You cannot, and I will not, let you talk to me like this. I am not Rose!"

It's safe to say that he lost his cool.

"Not Rose? Yes, you are not my fiancé, but you will be my sister! If not yet by law. Family!" He screamed, knocking the table over. All my new found confidence had vanished, as I sat in my chair, frozen in shock, watching the china shatter on the deck planks. Cal had never been this angry at me before. He moved closer to me, gripping the sides of my chair, trapping me, and stared down at me.
"Let's get this straight. You will honor me! You will honor me the way a proper lady is required to honor a proper gentleman because I will not be made out a fool, Daisy! Is this in any way unclear?"

All I could do was shake my head. I was too scared to do anything else.

"N-no!" I stammered, desperately trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall.

"Good." he said without emotion, flashing me a smile as he got up. "Excuse me." And then he left, as if nothing had even happened.

I was left in shock.

"Ms. Daisy!" A voice behind me broke me from my trance. I turned around. Trudy rushed over to me. She had seen the whole thing. I could see it by the look on her face.

"Oh, Trudy!" I whimpered, shakily rising from the chair to try and help her clean the mess. "W-we had a little... a little accident-"

"It's alright, miss." Trudy tried to assure me.

"Pl-please." I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "Let me h-help you-"

"It's alright, miss." Trudy tried again, wrapping her arms around me as I sunk to the floor. I couldn't stop the tears when I leaned on Trudy, apologizing over and over again. "It wasn't your fault, Ms. Daisy." Trudy whispered, rocking me back and forth. "It wasn't your fault."


Later on, after I had calmed down, we were back inside and Trudy was helping me get dressed, when mother barged in.

"Tea, Trudy." she said in a curt manner.

"Yes, ma'am." Trudy curtsied politely and left. The door closed behind her and mother locked it. She then stomped over to me, continuing where Trudy had left off and tightening my corset. I had to cling onto the bedpost to stay upright, that's how hard she pulled.

"You are not to see that boy again." She said sternly, yanking the laces so hard I had trouble breathing. At first I was confused but then it dawned to me; of course Cal would've told her. "Daisy?" Mother's voice brought me back to reality. "I forbid it!"

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