The Heart Of The Ocean

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"This is the sitting room." Jack looked around in awe as I lead him further inside. "Will this light do?"

"What?" Jack snapped his head to my direction, brows furrowed in confusion.

"Well, don't artists need good light?" I teased.

"Zat is true." He said in a horrible french accent. "But I am not used to working in such... 'Orreeble conditions." I laughed. "Monet!" Jack suddenly exclaimed, excitement shining in his eyes as he rushed over to the painting. I followed.

"You know his work?"

"Of course. Look at his use of color here." He brushed his hand over the paint. "Isn't he great?"

"I know." I agreed. "It's extraordinary."

Jack got up and I moved over to the wardrobe and went inside. Jack trailed after me, stopping by the doorway. I spinned the dial lock for the safe that was inside.

"Cal insists on carting this hideous thing everywhere."

"Should we expecting him anytime soon?" Jack asked. I giggled and shook my head, taking out the box.

"I doubt it. As long as the cigars and brandy hold out, he'll be preoccupied." I assured him, taking out the Heart of the Ocean.

Jack's jaw dropped to the floor.

"That's nice." He commented, impressed, as I handed it to him to examine. "What is it? A sapphire?"

"A diamond." I corrected. "A very rare diamond. It's called the Heart of the Ocean. Cal got it for Rose as an engagement gift." I smiled at Jack as he admired the necklace. He looked adorable, eyes big and mouth slightly agape in wonder. Then I got an idea.

"Jack?" I hugged him from behind. I didn't want him to see that was blushing furiously. "I want you to draw me like one of your French girls. Wearing this."

"Alright." Jack agreed, not taking his eyes of the stone. I don't think he comprehended what I said. I cleared my throat. "Wearing only this." I clarified in a whisper.

Jack's eyes widened in realization and his face turned as read as mine as he turned around to look at me.

"A-alright." He repeated.


My nerves were killing me as I undressed in the bedroom. I hadn't posed naked for anyone before. But this was Jack. I had nothing to worry about. I put on a robe and returned to the sitting room where Jack was prepared. He looked up when I entered and I swung the sash around to lighten the mood. Jack gave me a nervous smile. I walked over to him.

"The last thing I need, is another picture of me looking like a porcelain doll. So, as I paying customer," I dropped a dime in his hand. "I expect to get what I want."

I stepped back, untying the robe and letting it slide off my shoulders. Jack stared at me his mouth wide open and just as I started to feel insecure, he snapped out of it and cleared his throat.

"Uh, go lie on that bed, - I mean couch." I did as told and tried to find a suitable position.

"Tell me when it looks right." I said, moving my arm to the back of the couch.

"No, put your arm back the way it was." He put his hand above his forehead, indicating me to do so. "Just like that, good. And then... put that other arm, your hand up, right by your face. Now, head down... eyes to me, keep them on me, and... and try to stay still."

Moments passed. I stayed as still as I possibly could, observing Jack as he gracefully moved the charcoal over the portfolio. Every once in a while he woukd stop drawing to look at me, before returning to sketching. I could tell he was nervous, but at the same time he seemes so calm and professional.

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