Us Against The World

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I rushed down the E-Deck, desperately trying to find someone, anyone who could help me find Jack. 
Running through the first class corridor I collided with Mr. Andrews. Not bothering to apologize, I got straight to the point.

"Mr. Andrews, thank God! Where would the Master at Arms take someone under arrest?!"

Mr. Andrews stared at me flabbergasted.

"What? Why would you even - You have to get to a boat right away!"

"No!" I protested. "I'll do this with or without your help, sir. But without will take longer."

"Take the elevator to the very bottom, go left, down the crewman's passage, then make a right." Mr. Andrews instructed, sighing in defeat.

"Bottom, left, right." I mumbled. "I have it. Thank you, Mr. Andrews." There was still time. Once I found Jack we would get on a boat and everything would be alright. It had to be.

"Hurry, Daisy." Mr. Andrews called after me as I took off running through the halls according to his instructions.

I pushed past the elecator operator just as he was about to close the gate and leave.

"I'm sorry miss the lifts are clo-"

Not thinking or caring I pushed him out of the elevator and started it.

"Miss you can't - " He tried again but I cut him off.

"I don't care! I'm through trying to be nice!" Were the last words said before I was down and out of his sight.


Everything was flooded in the corridor. When the lift came down, ice water came swirling in and I let out a shriek. Jack was right. The water felt like a thousand knives stabbing me all at once. But there was no time to feel pain. Stumbling out of the lift I turned left, along the crewman's passage. My dress was wet and heavy and it was difficult to walk. Holding on to the wall for support I picked up the pace and made a right turn, coming to a cross corridor. Not knowing where to go I tried a different method.


Somewhere further down the hall I heard a weak response.

"Daisy? Daisy, I'm in here!" He shouted and I sighed in relief. Following his voice I got to the right door and pushed it open. There he was, handcuffed to a pipe and looking a bit flustered but there nonetheless.

"Jack! Jack. Jack, I'm sorry." I cried rushing over to him and kissing him on the lips. "Oh, I'm so sorry."

"It was Lovejoy! He put it in my pocket."

"I know, I know." I said kissing him again.

"See if you can find a key for these." He said, talking about the handcuffs. "Try  over there, Daisy. By the drawers."

I moved over to the desk and started looking.

"It's a small, brass one, I think."


There wasn't a key in the desk so I moved over to the cupboard where there were other keys but I couldn't find the one Jack described. And time was running out. The water that had been just above my ankles before was now up to my knees.

"There's nothing here!" I panicked. "I'll go see if there's still someone down here who can help."

I waded over to him and kissed him one more time.

"I'll be back." I promised, and headed for the door but before I could leave, he called out my name and I turned to face him.

"Hey. How'd you know I didn't do it?" He asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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