03 ~ I Don't Want To Talk About It

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The Little Coffee Shop was relatively empty when Dean pushed open the door, causing the bell above him to swing violently.

"Dean!" Benny called from the counter, "It's great to see you, man! What brings you here?"

Dean made his was through the tables of high school hipsters, and builders from the construction site down the road, and slid onto a stool in front of Benny.

"I have a date," he told him with a nervous grin, "with my soulmate and I'm so fucking scared."

"That's awesome!" Benny cried, causing a few girls with beanies and long teased hair to glare at him, "But why the hell are you so scared?"

Dean sighed, "Promise me you won't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you."

Benny nodded.

"I'm pansexual. So my soulmate could be a boy." Dean whispered.

"But your dad-"

"I know!" Dean hissed, "You get why I'm practically shitting myself right now?"

"Damn, yeah, I understand," Benny muttered, shaking his head, "I promise I won't tell anyone. But anyway, let's get you a coffee to help you calm down."

"Thanks, man." Dean replied, running his hands
through his hair.

Just then, the bell rang again and Benny looked up, a grin forming on his face when he saw who it was.

"Castiel!" he greeted, "Where's the rest of your group?"

Dean almost threw up when he heard that name. His soulmate. His soulmate was standing right behind him. He was shaking as he turned around, so unprepared for this moment.

"Oh my fucking God," Dean muttered as he laid eyes on his soulmate. He was gorgeous.

Castiel had dark messy hair and slightly tanned skin. His eyes were a bright, sparkling blue and he had full lips that were very chapped from the cold autumn weather. His voice was deep and rich as he spoke to Benny, replying and asking how his day had been.

But he was a boy. Dean shook his head; he had to go, he had to leave before Castiel noticed him. He stood up, slipping off the stool.

"Dean? Are you Ok?" Benny asked, grabbing his wrist as he turned to go.

"Dean?!" Castiel yelled.

Fuck. That hadn't gone to plan.

"Wait, do you two know each other?"

Dean shook his head, "I feel really ill, Benny, I need to go."

He pulled his wrist from his friend's grasp and started for the door. Castiel sprinted after him. If that man was his soulmate, he couldn't let him get away so easily. Just as Dean was opening the door, Castiel grabbed his shoulders and spun him around so that they were face to face. Then he grabbed Dean's hand and brought it up to his own. The same messy writing was scrawled across both of them.

Castiel gasped as he stared at his soulmate. He was perfect. He had vibrant green eyes and a dusting of freckles across his cheeks. His hair was a dirty blonde colour and Castiel just wanted to run his hands through it.

"Oh my God," he grinned, laughing slightly "It's you. I can't believe it."

Dean looked away, not meeting his eyes. He couldn't let him see the tears that were welling up. Castiel looked so delirious that Dean couldn't bring himself to spoil his moment. The next thing he knew, Castiel was hugging him, pulling him close and wrapping his arms around him. Dean knew he should have just pulled away and gotten as far away from Castiel as possible, but he found himself leaning into the hug, bringing his arms around the other man and burying his face in his neck. He smelled of deodorant and libraries.

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