14 ~ John

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Saturday arrived faster than Dean had anticipated and now that he was standing in his kitchen with the others waiting for John to get home, the panic was starting to set in.

Castiel nudged his arm, "You going to be OK?"

"I hope so," was the only response he got although he could clearly see the slight tremble of his soulmate's hand as he lifted his glass of water to his lips.

"Don't worry, we're all here in case things go wrong," Cas reassured him. Dean only nodded and they fell into silence, letting the chatter of the adults fill the room.

As soon as the Novak family had arrived at the Winchester household, Gabriel and Sam had disappeared upstairs to Sam's room so there was only Mary, Bobby, Ellen, Charlie and Chuck in the kitchen apart from the other two soulmates. Mary was cooking the dinner - a dish of orzo with a tomato and chicken sauce full of spices (A.N. The dish has a name but idk what so please comment if you know) - with a little help from Chuck. Spicy aromas wafted through the room and it wasn't long before Gabe appeared in the doorway followed by Sam.

"I smell food," Gabe stated.

"Well done," Sam muttered sarcastically, although with a fondness in his eyes as he glanced at his new boyfriend - his soulmate.

"Shut up, Samsquatch," came the reply that caused Sam to laugh quietly.

The pair joined the others in the kitchen, Gabe making everyone laugh to soften the anxious tension that hung in the room. It wasn't long before even Dean felt relaxed and as if he were just enjoying a regular evening with friends. But still the weight of what was to happen that evening hung over them like a dark rain cloud. There were so many possibilities, so many variations of how John could react to his sons both having male soulmates. This thought lingered in the back of Dean's mind, making his stomach turn. He ground his teeth together, willing away the nausea that washed over him. The walls seemed to be getting closer and closer, the lights dimmer and dimmer but at the same time too harsh for him to do anything but squint his eyes.

"Dean? Are you OK?"

Dean felt his soulmate place a caring hand on his arm and he felt himself nod although it all seemed to be happening in slow motion and as though he wasn't actually in control of his body.

"I think you need some fresh air," Cas murmured, "Come on."

He felt him guiding him towards the door, calling over to the adults to notify them of where they were going. Their were nods and sympathetic mutters as Dean was lead outside and onto the steps that lead up to the front door. Carefully, Cas guided him down so that he was sitting on the top step before seating himself next to him.

Neither boy spoke for a few moments. Dean let the cool evening air caress his face and bring him back to reality. Eventually, he found he could open his eyes without squinting at the brightness. A wave of dizziness tugged at him as he did so and he gripped Cas' hand to ground himself.

"Dean," Cas began, "I want you to know that whatever happens tonight-"

"Come on, Cas," Dean grimaced, "Enough. I'm not going to let you give me some sappy speech like we're in a fucking chick flick or something."

Cas laughed, shaking his head at him before sliding his arms around his soulmate's shoulders and holding him close. The couple just sat there, waiting and savouring each other's warmth. Above them, the sky deepened to a navy blue, casting a dark haze over the street. A few street lamps flickered into life, illuminating the empty road and the small, cosy houses that lined it and casting a yellow tinged glow onto Castiel's features. Dean leaned his head on Cas' shoulder and angled himself so that he could admire the way the golden light adorned his soulmate's perfect features and weaved its way through his dark, messy hair. It lit up his eyes - eyes with irises like raw sapphire; gleaming shades of watery blues and the palest greys.

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