08 ~ I'll Kiss All Your Bruises

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WARNING: contains ABUSE, VIOLENCE, ALCOHOL ETC. Please don't read if you find those topics extremely sensitive. I don't want any of you getting too upset.

The following Tuesday

It was late and darkness had enveloped the streets of Lawrence many hours ago. Rain splashed onto the leather of Dean's jacket, slowly soaking into it. He waded through a few deep puddles, thankful for the golden glow of the street lamps illuminating the pavement.

John had been out of town on a business trip for the past few days and he'd taken the Impala with him, so Dean had had to walk everywhere. But, on the bright side, it meant that he could stay out as late as he wanted. On this particular night, he'd been at Charlie's house. They'd made up after their small argument a few days ago and Dean had told her all about Castiel before they'd had a few very competitive sessions on Guitar Hero World Tour. Dean won, of course. He knew all the old rock songs, which had happened to work to his advantage.

As he walked, he looked back on some texts from Castiel:

Cas: i can't wait to see you again 😍😍

Cas: it's my last day of school before the half term holiday! I get a week off so you can come visit me whenever you want.

Cas: well, almost whenever you want

Dean smiled and sent back a quick text:

Dean: i cant wait to see u either

Dean: ur lucky, i don't get any time off work 😞

Soon, he reached the front of his house. The sight that met his eyes made all the happiness he'd felt after his evening with Charlie and reading Cas' texts leave him instantly. The family's black '67 Chevy Impala sat on the concrete driveway. Normally, he loved seeing the beautiful car. But tonight, he felt sick to the stomach. Mentally preparing himself for what was to come, he slid his key into the lock on the front door. He shook himself like a wet dog, trying to get most of the rain off his hair and jacket so that he didn't soak the carpet. Opening the door, he stepped inside. A comforting warmth greeted him, but it didn't do anything to soothe his nerves.

Suddenly, he heard a cry and glass shattering. Without thinking, he ran towards the source of the noise. The scene before him made him let out a scream. His mother was so sobbing on the sofa, fresh bruises littering her cheekbones and arms. Sam was cowering on the floor, blood gushing out of a cut across his forehead. Shattered glass covered the carpet around him and the air stank of alcohol. John Winchester stood in the center of the living room. His focus had been moved from Sam to Dean at the sound of his scream.

"Where the Hell have you been, young man? " John bellowed, his words slurring together, "Haven't I made it clear that you aren't allowed out after dark?" He was completely wasted.

"I was at Charlie's house, dad," Dean told him, a confidence in his voice that he hoped nobody could realize was fake.

"Charlie! Who the fuck is Charlie?" he spat at his son, "I hope you're not having an affair with him! If you ever disgrace me again like that last time, you'll wish you'd never been born."

Last time. It had been the year before he had dropped out of high school. Dean had discovered that an English boy, named Crowley, had a crush on him. At first, all he was going to do was go to the local bar for a drink with him, but it had turned into drunken sex and then a relationship that had lasted around six weeks before John found out. He had ended up in hospital with a broken arm and a few broken ribs. The memories made Dean's stomach churn and he closed his eyes, trying to get the images to go away.

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