01 ~ Ask Him If He Likes Cherry Cola Lollipops

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Castiel Novak sat at a table in The Little Coffee Shop with his friend Hannah and his younger brother Gabriel, sipping his Americano and reading through his notes for an upcoming test. As he read, he scribbled important points down on his hand.

"Dude," Gabriel interrupted, "do you really think your soulmate wants to know about..." he looked over at Cas' hand, "Hooke's Law?" Cas ignored him and continued writing the formula on his palm.

"He might not want to date a nerd," Gabe added.

"He?" Hannah asked, obviously confused.

Feeling his face heat up, Cas hissed, "I told you I was gay 3 months ago, Hannah,"

She thought for a moment, "Were we shopping when you told me?" Cas nodded.

"Oh, I probably wasn't listening then," Hannah replied with a laugh. Rolling his eyes, Cas looked back down at his hand and let out a groan, "Not again!"

"Let me guess," Gabe said, "soulmate got black grease on his hands again?"

"Ugh, yes and now I can't read my notes," Cas whined, "This soulmate thing is complete bullshit." He looked down at the large black smudge on his hand and watched as another snaked down his wrist. Another smudge appeared on his thumb and Gabe began to laugh.

"What now, Gabe?" Cas asked, moodily. Hannah began to splutter too and he glared at them.

"Don't tell him," Gabe whispered loudly to Hannah.

"You have a big smudge on your nose," she told Cas, causing Gabe to facepalm and mutter about how she was such a traitor.

"Oh God, please tell me you're joking," Cas cried.

Hannah shook her head, trembling with barely contained laughter. Cas threw them both a bitchface and stormed over to the bathrooms to hide until his soulmate had the courtesy to wash his face.

• • • • •

Dean pushed himself out from underneath the car and stood up, wiping his hands on his overalls. He looked down at them and smiled when he saw the messy scrawl that covered every inch of them. As he walked back inside Singer Salvage Yard, he began to read what his soulmate had written today.

"Finished the car?" Bobby asked, glancing up from the car he was working on to look at Dean.

"Yep," Dean replied, "and I've been rewarded with some writing from my soulmate, although I need to wash my hands to read it all,"

"What's it about today?" Bobby asked before adding, "You've got grease on your nose by the way."

Dean laughed, "I wonder how my soulmate is reacting to having a black mark on her nose."

"She probably hates you for it," Bobby replied with a chuckle.

Dean strode over to the tap and turned it on, cupping the water in his hands before splashing it at his face. Then he grabbed a towel, grey with dirt, off the draining board and wiped the water away. When he was done, he began to read out the writing:

"Hooke's Law states that the force needed to extend or compress a spring by some distance is proportional to that distance."

"Sounds like you're going to marry a nerd," Bobby commented, humour in his gruff voice.

"If I ever find her," Dean reminded him, "Only 1 in every 10 people actually find their soulmate."

"You'll find her," he replied, "as long as you do something about it and don't just sit around waiting for her to make the first move like every other idjit on this planet does."

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