02 ~ Awesome Dick Doodles

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The rush to school this morning to tell Hannah about his date was probably the most exercise Castiel had done in weeks. Months even. He'd sprinted all the way from his green front door to the rusty school gates in under fifteen minutes and had then proceeded to tear through the busy halls, knocking people over in his haste. Panting, he slid into his seat beside Hannah and dumped his bag onto the desk.

"What the hell, Cas?" Hannah cried, switching off her phone. He had her full attention.

Out of breath, Cas began to tell her about his conversation with Dean that morning, his sentences rushed and unintelligible.

"Slow down!" Hannah yelled. She gripped his shoulders, an amused grin on her face.

Cas tried again; "This morning I had a conversation with my soulmate, Dean, and we arranged a date on Friday at 5 o'clock."

"That's awesome!" she squealed, "I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to meet him, I'm sure he'll be great-"

"Meet who?" a girl asked, interrupting Hannah. She had dark hair tied up in a bun with some of her fringe left loose.

"Piss off, Naomi!" Hannah muttered, earning a glare from the other girl.

"My soulmate, Dean!" Cas smiled in reply to Naomi. Hannah buried her head in her hands as if Cas had just done the most stupid thing in the world.

Naomi scrunched up her nose, "Ew, another gay. Why do you guys do it? Is it just for attention?"

His good mood gone in seconds, Cas glared at her.

"Fuck off, Naomi," Hannah spat. Luckily, the teacher walked in before Naomi could reply and she stormed back to her desk.

• • • • •

At break, Cas met up with Gabriel, Hannah and Balthazar.

"So, Hannah tells me you've found your soulmate," Balthazar said as they ordered their food in the canteen.

"Almost," Cas replied with a grin, "I'm meeting him on Friday! I'm so excited I can't even,"

"I would be too if I was you," Hannah replied.

"You're so lucky!" Balthazar commented as he paid for his food, "Maybe I should try to contact my soulmate too."

"You should," Cas agreed. Then he frowned as he looked over at Gabe; "Dude! Are you seriously drawing dicks on your arm again? Your soulmate is going to kill you!"

Gabe smirked at the drawings on his arms, "Nah, he or she probably loves my art,"

"I don't think it can be called art," Balthazar chuckled, "that girl's drawings are quite artistic though,"

He nodded to a thin, red-haired girl walking past them, her arms covered in vibrant tattoo-like drawings.

"Wow, she's cute," Gabe remarked.

"That's Anna," Hannah told him, "We used to go to art club together last year. She's OK, I guess. A bit snobby."

Then the bell rang, signalling for them to go to their next classes.

• • • • •

"Hey, Bobby," Dean greeted his boss as he walked into the garage, "How're you doing today?"

"Same old," Bobby mumbled as he flipped through a pile of papers, "You good?"

"Yeah, I'm great!" Dean grinned, "I contacted my soulmate just like you said I should."

Bobby looked up from his work, "And? What happened? Give me the details, boy!"

"We're meeting at The Little Coffee Shop on Friday."

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