11 ~ I Love You

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When Castiel looked in the mirror the next morning, a strangled sob clawed its way up his throat. His entire face and torso was covered in grotesque hues of angry reds and purples, streams of scarlet staining his skin across his cheeks and around his mouth.


What had his father done to him to make him look like this? Cas' chest heaved with violent sobs that shook his entire body as he reached for his phone. He had to contact Dean. Had to find out if he was being taken care of, if he'd be ok.

Grabbing his phone, he began to frantically text his soulmate.

• • • • •

Dean's phone vibrated in his pocket but he didn't make a move to check it. He ached and stung all over. When he'd dragged himself up to his room after his encounter with his dad last night, he'd been in so much pain he could barely make it to the top of the stairs. It wasn't just his body that hurt either - his mind was screaming at him like he was mentally stabbing
himself with a sharp knife. Dean just didn't have the energy to reach for his phone.

• • • • •

Castiel checked his phone almost every minute but it was all in vain. His soulmate hadn't replied to any of his texts or calls - and Cas was literally spamming him.

"Why aren't you replying?" he whispered to the silent room. Of course, nobody replied. He was alone in his room with just the worry about his soulmate and the garish colours on his skin.

Cas sat up in bed. Skin. How has he forgotten? He could contact Dean on his skin! Quickly, he grabbed a pen and began to write.

• • • • •

Dean watched as the writing snaked along his bruised arm.

Are you OK?

He smiled sadly at Cas' concern for him, a tear sliding down his cheek. But he knew he shouldn't reply. He'd only hurt Cas if he dragged him more into this mess.

Please reply, Dean.

Dean began to cry, silent sobs shaking his body.

• • • • •

[Cas' P.O.V]

The next day, I was slumped over a table in The Little Coffee Shop with Gabriel and Hannah. All around, people were staring at me - Dean's bruises were still clear as day on my face.

"Shit, man, I feel really sorry for Dean," Hannah murmured, "We've got to help him somehow. I haven't met him but I'm sure he doesn't deserve this kind of abuse."

"Nobody does," Gabe nodded. I'd told them the whole story, not missing out anything since I'd met my soulmate.

"I don't know how to help him though. He won't reply to my texts or any time I write on my arm-" - sure enough my left forearm was covered in pleas for Dean to tell me if he was OK - "- and I don't know where he lives to find him. I just- I don't know what to do" my voice was audibly strained with desperation and anxiety for my soulmate.

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