09 ~ Nerdy Science Stuff

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When Dean awoke the next morning, the first thing he noticed was the pain that ached across his torso and the pounding in his head. He groaned and then whimpered as the noises worsened his headache.

"Are you ok, Dean?"

"Cas?" he asked, confusion clear on his face.

Sure enough, Castiel stood beside the bed, water and headache tablets in his outstretched hand. Dean sat up slowly and took the pills, gulping them down with the water. He was shaking badly, causing him to spill some of it on himself and the bed.

"Fuck," he muttered, "I'm sorry, Cas,"

"You don't need to apologise," Cas said, sitting down on the bed beside his soulmate, "It's only water."

Dean nodded slowly. He was distracted by the purples and reds that covered the skin around Cas' eyes and cheeks. Letting out a sad sigh, he self consciously pulled the duvet over the bruises on his own chest.

"What's wrong?" Cas asked, concern clearly showing on his face.

"I just-" Dean started, "I'm sorry, Cas. About the bruises. I hadn't thought before that you'd get the marks too."

"Don't apologise, it's not your fault. And plus, i'm not the one who was hurt."

Dean nodded again and the room fell into silence for a few minutes before he spoke up again, "Cas, what happened last night? Why am I in your bed? Did we- " - a panicked look darted across his face - "oh shit, we didn't, did we?"

Cas chuckled. "Didn't do what?" he asked, teasingly.

"Shut up! I'm being serious," Dean cried, "We didn't have sex while I was drunk, did we?"

Cas shook his head, grinning, "No. Don't look so scared."

"Thank God," Dean sighed, "So what did happen?"

"I'll tell you at breakfast," Cas smiled, getting back out of the bed, "but for now, I'm going to run you a bath with some soothing oils and bath salts to help heal your bruises,"

"Thanks," Dean smiled back. Castiel left the room and moments later, Dean could hear the taps running in the bathroom. He sighed contentedly and leaned back in the bed. It was nice to have Cas take care of him. Normally, he would hate for someone else to worry about him and fret over trying to make him feel better - it made him feel weak - but with Cas, it felt good. It made him want to pull him into a hug and kiss him and tell him everything.

Dean realised then, that he did want to tell Cas everything. For some reason, he trusted him and he felt safe around him. It was probably the soulmate bond making him feel that way, but still, Cas deserved to know.

"The bath is all ready, Dean, so you can go and get in when you want," Cas said suddenly, poking his head around the door, "I'm going to start making some pancakes for breakfast. Everyone else is at school or work but I'm skipping school for today so we have the house to ourselves."

"Skipping school, huh?" Dean grinned as he sat up, "Such a rebel."

Cas sat down beside him, chuckling, "I figured taking care of you, my soulmate, is more important than triple science and maths."

"Damn, triple science? That sounds like such fun," Dean replied sarcastically.

"So where do you go to school?"

"I don't," Dean shrugged, "Dropped out to work full time at the garage."

Cas nodded, "I want to be a biomedical engineer so I've got to stay in school."

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