Chapter 14

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--(Jeremys POV)--

I jerked awake in the dim hours of the morning, hearing soft whimpers and cries. What was going on? Where's Mari--

My mouth made an exasperated sound, as a sigh. Mari was in the bedroom. Where the cries came from. I slowly lifted Mikes arm off of me and got up, placing it back down. Giving him a small kids, Mike stirred and I smiled, running off to my son.

The sight... It was really sad.

Mari was curled into a tight little ball, his head in his knees, and he was crying. I walked over and sat on the bed, touching his back. When he looked up and saw I was there, he threw his small, pale arms around me.

"Oh m-mommy, I just H-had the worst nightmare ever!! You and d-daddy were caught by the mean m-man and shoved inside t-those suits, and... Y-You tried to g-get me!!" He cried into my chest. My heart ached in pain, and I wrapped my own arms around him, calming him.

"Oh sweetie.." I shushed him quietly and rubs his back slowly. "That won't ever happen. I promise." I spoke in a soft voice, like the one Mike used to talk to me when I cried. "The mean man won't hurt us and takes us away from you."

"Do you p-promise, mommy..?" Mari sobbed, clinging to my shirt. "You p-promise I'll never be lonely again?..."

Nodding, I pulled the small child into my lap. He was only 7... He didn't deserve such pain and anguish... Mari was wrapped up tightly in my arms as I rocked him. I held him close, and he just continued to cry. It broke my heart, but I told myself that I had to help comfort him.

Because... It's what my mom would've wanted me to do.

I was thinking about her. Mike always told me she must've been a wonderful woman, for me to be raised as well as I was.

I could remember the talk like it was yesterday...

Mike brushed the hair out of my face, twirling my bangs around his finger.

"You're hair is so long... Are you sure you don't want to get it trimmed or something?"

I shrugged, touching his locks of dark brown hair. Mikes hair was more silky, whereas mine was all fluff.

"I mean... I want it long for the wedding, I want to look like a princess for my prince, after all." I admitted. Mike blushed.

"Still can't believe I told you I loved you after a day, and you still decided to date me... You were either really in love with me or just really desperate..." Mike laughed. I giggled too.

"I know, I know." I sighed. Mike continued to stroke my hair and I purred.

"Hey, Jere...?" He tilted my head up to face him.

"Hm?" I hummed in response.

"Your mom... She's a nice woman, yeah?..." Mike muttered to me softly. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"She was... Yes... Why...?" This was a tough subject for me. I knew I'd start crying soon.

"Oh... No reason, just... You're such a kind soul... I know you didn't get that from Fuckface McGee that you used to call your dad." I giggles weakly at his words.

"Yeah... My mom.. She... She was really sweet to me... I still love her so much.." I slowly trailed off, looking down.

"Sorry... I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't've said anything--" Mike tried to apologize, but I just leaned over on his chest and sniffled.

"S-Shut up and comfort me..."

"Yes Jeremy..." He put his arms around me, rubbing my back to calm me down.

I signed at the memory. Mike had held me all night until I felt better, kissing my hair and telling me he was sorry many, many times. I loved him so much...


I looked down at the small figure in my arms, and pets his hair. "Yes, dear...?"

His shaking had calmed, and he was leaning on my chest with a small sigh. "...I miss my friends..." Mari whimpered quietly.

"I know baby, I'm sure I would too... But you're a sweet boy, you can make new friends!" I assured. He sniffled.

"You think..?"

"I know." I kissed his forehead. "Do you want to sleep now?..."

"only if you stay..." Mari clung to my shirt. I nodded and laid down, and he climbed ontop of me to lay down on my stomach. He laid his head over my heart and closed his eyes, as I put my arms around him and stroked his hair and rubbed his back.

"Sleep, sweetie..." I have him another kiss. "You need it.."

"I love you mommy..." I heard him mumble, as he slowly fell asleep and relaxed on my stomach.

"I love you too, Mari.." I closed my own eyes and accidentally fell asleep once again.

Hey guys I finally updated.
I hope you guys are proud of me...
So updates at be hard because school starts soon, and I kinda have a lot of mixed feelings, but I promise I'll try my best to update.
I love you all so much. Thank you for reading this.

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