Settle Down

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As I still sit on my bed, I look around, perplexed, wondering why I'm here. This all happened in such short notice. I stand , and walk over to my pile of boxes. I open them one by one placing each and every one of my nick-nacks around the room making it look some what festive. The last box, sits there mocking me, I don't quite remember packing that box, but I unfold the tabs searching through the box looking for something. I don't quite know what it is, but just something.

There it is, that one something I was looking for. It was a picture frame with my mom and I sitting on the couch just laughing. My heart drops. Honestly, I think that was the last time I remember her being happy. Just laughing, having a good time. Maybe it was right for me to leave. I stand up which the picture in my hands, and go and lay down on my bed. I firmly grasp the picture as I hold it up to my heart. Then I shut my eyes, squeezing them so tight. Warm colors appear to be circling around in my eyelids, like when you sit in the sun. I don't know anymore. My thoughts fill the room as if they're lost ghosts looking for the right soul.

I open my eyes, stand up and place the picture of my mom and I on my night stand next to my bed.

I smile and chuckle, I say softly, "I love you mom."

I open the door to my room, then walk into the hallways finding myself in the kitchen.

Ramona suddenly touches my back and says "Hey sweetie, the soup is ready, why don't you go sit on the couch and I'll bring you a bowl."

I politely say "thank you" and plop myself onto the couch. Flipping through channels looking for my cartoons.

After I am done eating, I put my bowl into the sink. Ramona sits next to me.

Se says, "Hey babe, tonight is kind of a celebration for Phil's new promotion to assistant manager, so were gunna invite a few friends over and have a few drinks. Is that alright with you?"

I reply, "Yeah, I'll just stay in my room and clean up a little bit..."

I go to my room to start cleaning up. Hours pass when a people start to arrive. Yeah, when Ramona said "a few friends" I think she meant about 20 or 30. They're jamming their music, they are talking very loudly, and they are pissing me off. I open my door slightly and scream with a high pitched voice like a fire alarm.

Then I yell "Shut up, you drunk assholes!!!"

Generally you wouldn't hear those words come out of a 14 year olds mouth, but they were being very immature. Besides all the stomping, music, and yelling, I hear somebody near. It sounded like somebody was tip toeing towards the bathroom across the hall or my room. Suddenly, there is a knock

I yell, "Who is it?"

There was a man, to be more specific, a little boy.

He replies, "Hi, my name is Timmy, Can I come in?"

Without me saying so, he opens the door and peeks his little head in. He slowly steps into my room, putting one foot in front of the other very slowly.

To be honest, he was absolutely stunning. It all happened so slow, he walked in with his dirty blonde hair all spiked up with gel, his button up maroon collar and his deep navy blue jeans and his dress shoes, but most of all his deep blue eyes. That's all I could look at, although I've never met him before, it's like I knew everything about him, from birth until death.

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