Hell in a Heartbeat

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We were nearly ten minutes from the house when all of a sudden. The horn honked, it was like the car was intertwined with another car. The collided on such short notice. All I could see was my moms head being bashed into the windshield. The glass from the windshield shattered into nearly one million pieces. She wasn't wearing her seatbelt. The car rolled seven times before we finally reached the point were the median stopped us. I wanted to scream but nothing came out, it was like I entered he'll in a heartbeat. As the car was being stopped all I could see was Auburns body surrounding mine, she protected me. Her arms were drenched in blood, but the thing it wasn't her blood, it was moms. I couldn't make out her face, but all I knew was that she was unconscious. As Auburn and I struggle to open the doors, due to the sever damage. We exit the car and race to Ramona side.

As Auburn bursts into tears she screams, "I will call 911."

When I reached Ramona's door, I pull with all my might, and open the door. Her head drapes out of the car as blood runs out of her face. I run to her as I grasp her head, pulling her out of the car gently. She falls to the ground as sirens surround the air making it hard to think. I press my fingers up to her neck, searching for a pulse.

As I continue to search I begin to notice that she is loosing a lot of blood. I rip off my shirt not caring if anyone looked at me, I was loosing my mom. I begin to clean up the blood applying pressure to her face. As Auburn was finishing speaking to 911 she rushes over to mom and I.

She lays on her stomach and screams, "NO, NO, NO MOMMY YOU CANT LEAVE ME NOW, I LOVE YOU!"

I look at Auburn and burst into tears, we intensely hug each other knowing that Ramona is dead. We hold our hug until the ambulance showed up with a gurney. They lifted her up onto the gurney attaching an oxygen mask as Auburn and I sat there in fear, pondering, and bawling. Our mother was dead.

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