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"Is this your sister?" He asks and points at my mom, my mom starts laughing, "oh no honey, I'm her mom" I see in his eyes that he starts to freak out, but he doesn't show it. "O-oh I'm sorry I j-just, well I mean that is a c-compli-", "Ethan shut up man your embarrassing yourself in front of this cute girl" I hear Grayson say, I look down and blush heavily, then I see him push Ethan out of the way and sticks his head out of the window.

As Grayson was about to speak, my mom raised her eyebrow at him because of what he said and he nervously smiles and stays silent, then I see Cameron shove Grayson out of the way and she then sticks her head out of the window, I start laughing at their goofiness. "What my idiot brothers are trying to say, is because of fans like your daughter, they wouldn't be where they are today and they felt like giving back basically" she said smiling.

I was going to say something, but my mom interrupted me, "Give back how?" My mom asked, "Whatever you need" Cameron answers. And I hear small shouts of yeah's in the back, oh goodness these boys.

"All we really need is a ride home" my mom says, "What about all the stuff that was stolen from your car, can we replace that?" I hear Grayson yell from the back. "I don't want you guys to feel forced to spend any money on whatever was in there" my mom said nicely denying. "Yeah and um there was a Go Pro in there so, I don't think you want to replace all that stuff" I say chuckling.

"It's really no problem, anyways you helped us get to where we are now" Grayson shoved Cameron and poked him head out of the window. My mom gives me an uneasy look, "Are you sure?" My mom asks, they all nod happily, "Um okay then, thank you so much you guys" I say sincerely.

Ethan and Grayson hop out of the car and grab my mom and i's purse that we held, and took us in the limo. I started laughing, "what's so funny?" Ethan asks before entering the limo, "You guys are just adorable" I say smiling, he smirks back.

He puts the purses down and grafts my hand, it wasn't a very big limo, it was quite tiny, actually really tiny... Before I enter I ask "Where am I sitting?" He gives me a questioning look, then turns around and sees there's no other seats available, "ummm you want to sit on my lap? I mean I would sit on the floor and let you sit in my seat but there's no room on the floor either" I asks, "yeah ok" I said, he enters the limo, then grabs my hand and pulls me in his lap, before I sit down I hesitate.

"Are you sure... I'm not exactly light" I say feeling embarrassed, "Of course, just sit" he says, i sit on his lap and immediately tense up. I look around and see Cameron, Lisa and my mom talking about I don't even know what, and Grayson's sitting next to us.

I feel kind of awkward just sitting there, so I pull out my phone from my back pocket and accidentally touch Ethan's thigh and I feel his body squirm a little bit. I turn around "I'm sorry" I say to him, he throws his head back, and breaths out "it's fine", did I do something wrong?

I Open my Snapchat and face the camera towards me so I could check if my make up is ok, and in the corner of the screen I see Grayson making hand signals to Ethan. I press record, and zoom in on Grays face but he doesn't notice I laugh and my body kind of bounces as I laugh, Gray looks and my butt, then at Ethan, then at my camera, then he starts to realize it's zoomed in all the way on his face and say "EW WHAT TH-" and my snapchat ends at that and I start laughing so hard. And I hear Ethan lowly groan, I pretend not to hear it.

Grayson try's to snatch my phone out my hand but I pull away quickly, "Hey!" He says, "What? It's my phone" I say smiling, "lemme hack you" he says, I hold my index finger up, telling him to wait. I watch the snapchat I took, and saved it then posted it. At that second my phone started blowing up, I give my phone to Grayson, "Here you go cry baby" I say smiling, he laughs and takes the phone.

"Hey guys it's Grayson and I'm here with Ethan aaaaaand?" He looks at me questioningly "Hazel" I whisper, "and HAZEL!" He finishes I laugh at him. And he starts to record me and Ethan, and flips it back over at him, and makes a sneaky smiley face. Then types something on the snapchat, and gives it to me. I read the caption, "Ethan was lowkey getting a boner (delete after you read)" I look at him and raise my eyebrow, he nods raising his eyebrows.

I turn and look at Ethan and he's on his phone, Then I look back at Grayson, he mouths 'laugh again' . I look at him as if he was crazy, I shook my head no and laughed a little but then stopped myself. Grayson started lowly chuckling, I roll my eyes and smile and look back at my phone.

I watch the snapchat, and Grayson zoomed in on my butt, on Ethans lap, then zoomed in on Ethan smiling, and then zoomed in on himself and gave a sneaky smile. I laugh on the inside, knowing what will happen if I don't, I save the snapchat because I don't want anybody to start rumors. I check my chats and I have 35+ people texting me, I decide to ignore them because it would take too long to explain.

My tweet notifs go off but my phone is on silent so only the rectangle at the top shows,

@EthanDolan : 👌🔥 (imagine attachment)

I click on it... It's my ass, on his lap.
My eyes go wide, Oh. My. Goodness.

I reply to his tweet

@Hazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel : @EthanDolam you weirdo

"Hey Hazel, what's your snapchat?" Grayson asks, "Yeah we'll add you back" Ethan says. It's Hazel with 3 Z's. They nod and I get a notification that they added me back. I froze


I go to snapchat and run through my story to delete anything embarrassing before they see it. Oh wait I forgot I just got my phone yesterday, see I get in trouble a lot and yeah. So the only thing on there was 3 snapchats. 1st one was my ootd, 2nd was my zooming into the twins as they were dancing with the caption- oh no DELETE DELETE DELE-.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Ethan asks my putting his phone in my face, playing my snapchat... SH*T!

I raise my shoulders and had a little and smile, "ummm- hey look at that bird" I say looking out of the window. "Gray look at her snapchat story" Ethan says, I whip my head back around "No Gray please" I say begging him, he just smirks and goes on his phone. "I hate you Eth-" I was cut off by Grayson


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