“Oh my Gosh, what are you doing here!!” I yelled at the guy.
“Nothing much, remember that day I called you. I also wanted to tell you that I am a director,” Jason smirked at me. He was the one that caused the car accident in the first place. “I knew you always wanted to act so I was thinking why not give it to my baby girl?” I ignored the last thing that came out of his mouth.
“Where’s Melanie?” I pondered. Even though his dark brown hair, light skin, and really muscular body was perfect. But I still had bigger feeling for Chres.
“She couldn’t make it so she asked my,” he smirked again “So I guess your stuck with me Princess.” He got closer to me and I pushed him away. And thank God he stayed away.
“Fine…” I sighed “Than lets get started” I said.
“First I want to read some of the script and acting along with it” he addressed. He seemed nice all of a sudden, but I couldn’t fall for him again. Not for what he did.
“Okay, whatever you’re the boss.” I mumbled.
“Okay than let’s start on page…19” he said “I want you to start on ‘Come close Daniel’” he looked up at me to make sure.
“Okay…” I signed and got into character.
“Come Close Daniel,” Jason got close to me.
“Jo, no we can’t stay together my parents don’t want me to be married with somebody that is poor!” Daniel was looking down at me as if he were Daniel.
“I don’t care what other people think!” I shrieked “I only care about you, Daniel. I love you and nothing can stop that!” I looked up at him as if this were real life.
“I love you too Jo!” I looked down at my paper for the next line and in parentheses it said kiss Daniel on lips passionately for five minutes.
“I don’t feel comfortable doing this” I confessed to Jason.
“Well, sorry but you’re going to have to do this.” He smirked.
“No, I’m serious Jason I don’t want to do this.” I tried to keep calm but I couldn’t he was making my impatient.
“Fine” he grumbled “But at least a peck on the lips so you know some what to do.” Jason said.
“Fine!” I was a little ticked off.
I leaned forward for a peck on the lips. It felt weird kissing somebody else other than Chres. We kept going on with the script. After what seemed forever, it was time for me to go.
“Well I got to go, it was nice working with you Jason” I waved my hand goodbye and bended down to get my bag I brought.
All of a sudden I feel somebody behind me I get up and it’s Jason, he pinned me on the wall and was rubbing his pelvis on mine. I tried pushing him away but he wouldn’t budge.
“Let me Go!” I yelled. I kicked him in the crotch, but I guess I didn’t hit hard enough. Because he didn’t move.
“I got you in my arms now my baby!” Jason mumbled in my ear. I bit his arm as hard as I could. He finally removed himself from me. Resting his arm on where I bit him.
I grabbed my bag and ran with all my might.
“Get Back Over Hear!” He yelled from where I left him which made me run even faster through the halls finally there was the exit door.
When I was in the parking lot Chresento’s car was already there and he was inside the car.
I told him everything that just happened. I begged for him not to do anything to Jason and he promised. It was now 7:30pm.
“Here I’ll pick you up when you’re done?” I tried to put it as a statement but it came out more like a question.
“Sure why not.” We said our goodbyes and I got on the driver’s seat heading toward the hotel. But Jason kept running through my head.
Once I got Alexis room I knocked and I could hear the Disney marathon still going on in there.
“Come in!” Alexis answered. I opened the door, to find Alexis still in bed.
“How was the acting thing?” She asked. Sitting up and patting a place beside her. I sat down an answered the question.
“Okay,” I lied. I knew I wouldn’t be able to lie to Alexis.
“Well not really something big happened! And you won’t believe it!” I blurted out.
“What? What happened the director threatened you or some shit?” Alexis teased.
“I wish” I sighed. I told her EVERYTHING that happened. And she just sat their dumfounded.
“Why, did he attack you like that?” She asked.
“You tell me…I wasn’t doing anything wrong.” I confessed. Two hours have passed after me and Alexis were talking. We hear a knock on the door. I look at Alexis.
“If it’s Prodigy, tell him I don’t want his sorry ass!” she yelled. I got up to see who it was. It was Chres, but he didn’t seem like himself.
“It’s not Prod, Alexis.” I called out “It’s Chres!”
“Oh okay, well you may leave…” she said all innocent like.
“Fine I’ll leave!” I playfully sounded hurt and left her room.
“What’s wrong Bae?” I asked grabbing his hand.
“Uh? What? Oh Nothing? I was just thinking” He answered. Chres stopped in the middle of the hallway. “Oh wait, I need to tell Alexis something, I’ll see you in the room, okay!?” He speeds off without even letting me answer back.
I wonder what he is telling Alexis but I didn’t want to be those types of girlfriends that are too clingy. And don’t even let their guys’ breath. So I didn’t take it too seriously and headed to the room.
When I arrived at my room and went straight to bed. Chres came back five minutes later.
“Night” I gave him a peck on the cheek, after he sat on the bed.
“Night my love” he said playfully I chuckled and went to sleep.
Hope you guys like this chapter. As you can see Chres is hiding a secret from EJ!! Or maybe he isn’t find out on chapter 15!! Much love <3 keep on reading and if you enjoy it so far tell ALL of your friends to read it! PLZ! Bye!! <3

Roc Royals SweetHeart <3 (A Roc Royal Love Story)
FanfictionMy name is Estephany (pronounced just like Stephanie) Jaqueline. But for short on this story I’ll put it as EJ, okay! I’m real crazy, and all that! You’re going to read my story were Roc Royal (from Mindless Behavior) and I fall in love! I’m real...