I woke up looking at a plain white celling. But then somebody appears above me, they were still blurry. I realize right there and then that I know who it is.
“How you feeling” His plump lips were the first thing I saw but I was more curious on were Alexis was.
“Where’s Alexis, is she okay?” I asked SO worried I didn’t want her to get hurt because of my fault.
“Yeah, she went into surgery 2 hours ago.” Then I realized it was Roc Royal from Mindless Behavior. I wonder how he got here though but I could ask him later.
“For how long was I blacked out?” I looked at Roc so cute in some sweatpants, a t-shirt that said Damn, and some Jordan’s. I felt embarrassed I was in a gown and I had needles, tubes, and monitors all over me, it was scary.
“Not to long for like three hours, but I tried calling you. And somebody else answered your phone saying that you had a car accident and that both you and your friend got hurt real bad. So I came down to come check up on you because…” He stopped and looked at the floor I knew he didn’t want to say anything. But I really needed to know what he was going to say.
“Because what” I said in my most kindest voice I tried moving but I couldn’t because of so much stuff on me. I look around the room real quick when I realize I have presents all over by a chair a bunch of teddy bears, balloons, and other presents in bags.
“Because…I…kind…of….like you” He let out a huge sigh like if he NEVER said it to a girl before.
“Really?” I said with a smile on my face, he looked at me smiling and smiled his gorgouse smile back.
“Yeah, I guess so. You know I saw you at the crown today and I thought that you looked beautiful.” He said it in so much more confidence, I couldn’t help but smile.
“Aw thank Roc, but when can I leave, with Alexis home?” I really was worried about Alexis when all of a sudden. A knock came at the door.
“Come in” I was wondering who else heard about the accident? But she burst in and gives me a hug kind of making me feel real awkward.
“Estephany, Oh my Gosh I heard the accident on the news and I was worried sick, so I came to check on you hope that’s fine?” It was Wendy. Wendy and I don’t talk anymore after freshman year. But I don’t get she was doing here?
“Roc can you give me and…Wendy a minute?” I looked at him in my most cutest way I could do.
“Of course, I’ll go check up on Alexis with the rest of the guys, I’ll be back in 30 minutes” He came close to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, I gave him a kiss back. He left the room leaving me and Wendy alone.
“So, why are you here?” I didn’t want to be mean but it just came straight out.
“Um…well you know we were friends for a long time, and after that incident in High School, we haven’t talked since. And once I heard the news I was worried sick that you and Alexis were hurt.” She looked so innocent but I wanted to cry because all I could think about was how she did that to our friendship. I held my tears in and tried to talk to her in a nice way.
“Look Wendy, were not friends anymore, if you were my true friend you would of told me right away. Maybe, yes it would have been hard, but we would of both dumped Jason. And we all would still be friends. But once I knew what was going on you turned your back on me and Alexis.” My voice was cracking in mid-sentence but I kept going.
“So do you want me to go?” She was already grabbing the door handle, like kind of like threatening me.
“Um…yes…please go I really don’t feel like arguing.” I thought I made the wrong decision because a tear rolled down her check down to her lip.
“Okay, fine I’ll go Estephany but let me tell you just one more thing. Your like a sister to me and it kills me seeing you like this but fine I’ll go.” She flew out the door and slammed it real hard. I felt awful.
About twenty minutes later Roc came through the door. With some flowers in one hand a huge smile on his face. I swear his smile just makes you want to melt!
“Hey baby, look the guys bought you these, where do I put them?” He called me BABY OMG that was so cool, but as usual I tried to act cool.
“Um…you can leave them right there?” I pointed to a corner were the presents were.
“So hows Alexis doing?” He sat down on the bad and was holding my hand.
“She’s doing fine, she said she wants to see you but not till tomorrow!” He said rubbing my hand.
“Okay, I guess I can wait that long.” I looked at him he was looking back at me and biting his bottom lip just like he did at the meet && greet.
“So EJ, I was wondering, you know mindless behavior just got done with there tour and all that. I was wondering once you’re out of the hospital, and fully recovered. May we go on a first date?” He kept biting his lip again.
“Of course Roc” He let out a HUGE breath out and I leaned over and kissed him. He was surprised as I was. It wasn’t a big deal though. Just a small kiss, but still got butterflies in my stomach.
“What was that for?” Roc was know looking at me in a way so unexplainable but so incredible.
“It’s just, I was always you know the nerdy kid or weird kid through my whole life. So I really never kissed anybody. And I really like…” I was cut off by a kiss, and this one was romantic, it felt special and it was like 5 minutes after our lips got separated. When we heard a knock on the door.
“Um…come in” I said trying to make sure it wasn’t noticeable I was kissing somebody.
“Hi, Estephany I am your doctor I just came to check on you and see how you’re doing. So how you feeling?” Roc stepped away so the doctor could do his job.
“Um…I feel fine. No pain. Oh and by the way doc you can call me EJ” The doctor was a girl so of course I told her that I don’t like being called Estephany.
“Okay, EJ. Well you look fine. And your friend Alexis does too. So you guys can head home tomorrow. Just be careful on what you’re doing when you’re driving. Okay?” She looked at me and Roc and smiled like if she knew exactly knew what was going on.
“Okay Doc will do, and thank you very much.” She left the room; she did take some needles out. So that left me move more freely. Now Roc and I were all alone.
Hope you guys like THIS chapter!! <3 Can’t wait till next chapter!

Roc Royals SweetHeart <3 (A Roc Royal Love Story)
FanfictionMy name is Estephany (pronounced just like Stephanie) Jaqueline. But for short on this story I’ll put it as EJ, okay! I’m real crazy, and all that! You’re going to read my story were Roc Royal (from Mindless Behavior) and I fall in love! I’m real...