By the way in this chapter I changed the point of view a little, but hope you enjoy!
Alexis and I were already home so excited to finally be over with High School, We were excited to go to the MB concert, but especially me. Alexis isn’t such a big fan of MB all she likes of them is there music, but that’s all. I turned on the TV and put on the show Friends. While Alexis was trying to take off her make-up
“Hey I can’t get this make-up of my face” Alexis yelled from the bathroom upstairs.
“Well to bad” I yelled back, while I got up from the couch to see how I could help her get the make-up off
“See” She wined “I can’t take the mascara off my eyes.” She rubbed her eyes; they were getting a little red so I decided to help.
“Here” I said taking her hand off her eye and seeing why her eye started getting dark red, by the second. “Oh my gosh Alexis I think you cut your eyelid, here lets go get it checked up”
“Wait, what, Really? Well let’s just go to the emergency room and see if they can do anything about it before we head to the concert, okay” Alexis said, but in her tone you could hear she didn’t want ME to miss the MB concert.
“Okay fine let’s go” I said, I led her out of the bathroom and into my car.
“Well I guess I was right, it seems like your eyes got an allergic reaction to the mascara you were using and I guess while you were taking it off, you rubbed it all over your eye” The doctor said
“Can I still make it to the concert though?” Alexis’s said trying not to ruin my day, because I have been waiting for quite a while, for this concert.
“Of course Alexis all we have to do is put this eye patch on your eye so it doesn’t get worse, okay”
“Ugh….fine” Alexis said while wining
“Okay then, a nurse will be with you to give you your prescription” the doctor said while getting up from his chair and heading to the door.
“Okay Doc,” Alexis and I said at the same time.
I am so excited for the concert and I got four bracelets, with my phone number on it, I’m thinking of giving it to them at the meet & greet/VIP. For Roc I got the color blue, Ray Ray I got purple, Princeton a green one, and for Prod a red one!
“Why are you SO excited EJ where only going to go see your favorite boy band” Alexis said, from the shotgun seat! She looked weird though with an eye patch on her eye!
“Look all I’m saying is that I’m just real excited for the concert, because they mean the world to me, so yeah!”
“Fine, how long will it take to get there?” She wined, while looking out the window
“Not long, like ten more minutes so stop being a baby”
“Whatever” She said in upset tone, but I knew she just didn’t want me to know that she is a big MB fan!
Ten Minutes Later:
“Where here Alexis” I said enthusiastically shaking her up and down before we got out the car.
“Let…Go…EJ” she said trying to push me off
“Oops sorry just got excited again” I said excitedly looking at how many fans were already arriving and the show would start in 20 minutes. But meet & greet/VIP would be after the show
“Okay so let’s get going so we don’t miss the show”
“Let’s Go” We got out of the car I grabbed my phone and the bracelets I was planning on giving MB

Roc Royals SweetHeart <3 (A Roc Royal Love Story)
FanficMy name is Estephany (pronounced just like Stephanie) Jaqueline. But for short on this story I’ll put it as EJ, okay! I’m real crazy, and all that! You’re going to read my story were Roc Royal (from Mindless Behavior) and I fall in love! I’m real...