Chapter 8

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Isaac walked in with everyone else. I pulled Isaac outside after everyone was playing with Noah. I was kind of annoyed still at all the drama flying everywhere like a freaking bird.

"I need to talk to you." I said straight out and sat down on the porch swing. "Okay" he sat next to me, "Where were you working at?" He looked at me uncomfortable about this talk already and thinking about a lie to say.

"Umm just at Derek's loft, why?" He scratched the back of his neck. "You are a horrible liar, you know that? After you left I dated Aiden. Then when he left for work. He was actually working, I seen him last night and he told me all about your little 'games'" I stared at him while his eyes widen.

"You dated Aiden?! After all he's done you were with him?" He raised his voice, "Because he actually cared about me and Noah! He changed, he actually stayed by my side. He was honest, he left for WORK not for Allison, not for girls at the bar he was actually working!" I was getting angrier every time I yelled.

"Why did you leave? Did you know about Noah and just left before I can even tell you? Was I not good enough?" I talked more and seen him getting angrier and heard him do a low growl, "No don't pull that growl crap on me! You left because You knew you weren't gonna get it while I was pregnant. All you wanted was to hit it? You never loved me? Wow. just stay out of our life." I got up walking away but felt his hand grip my wrist.

"Don't ever say I never loved you. I loved you so much. I was scared, we were 17! I didn't want to be a father at 17 Alexis. So I just left. Allison was on me! Those other girls. I don't even know why I was with them." He turned me around to face him.

"Allison was on you? Be honest. Was she?" I mumbled and seen him nod, "She liked me when I started dating you." He brushed my hair lightly with his fingers, "I never liked Allison..." I said looking up at Isaac then sighed walking inside to Allison and heard Isaac yell "Wait!" He knew what I was going to do.

"Hey Allison" I walked up to her angry, "Yeah?" She looked up from her phone I grabbed it and threw it at the wall and grabbed her arm dragging her out of my house, "Look honey, Isaac doesn't like you. Stay of Noah's dad. K? Bye!" I slammed the door in her face and seen everyone looking at me.

"You guys knew Isaac wasn't working and you lied to me. What friends you are." I grabbed Noah walking upstairs into his room and set him down with his toys and sat down about ready to burst out in tears, it happens, I get angry then I yell then I burst out in tears. But it's whatever. I just wanted them to stay away for a while. Before I cut heads off. Bleh.


Noah has been sleeping for a while but I still sat in there not wanting to go out because they were downstairs waiting but I guess I just have to face it, they're gonna be here all night if I don't come out.

I walked downstairs looking at everyone, Stiles was the first to get up and hug me then everyone joined in and I was very surprised Allison joined in after I slammed a door in her face and broke her phone.

"We're so sorry, Lex" Stiles muttered hugging me tighter, "No I'm sorry. I really am" I said hugging him back hearing everyone mumble a sorry to me and let me go. "I was just...mad about Isaac leaving us by ourselves.." I sat on the couch next to Scott and Stiles since they're my best friends.

"Its okay if you're mad, I would be angry too" Lydia added patting my back and everyone nodded, "Come on lex, you need some rest. Isaac take her upstairs" Scott said as everyone said their goodbyes and left.

Isaac then followed me upstairs into the bedroom and lied in bed next to me, rubbing my back softly while my head was buried in his chest. I was a bit worried about the Aiden thing. What if he comes over and gets Isaac started. I mean Isaac will beat the crap out of him, he did it before. So yeah.

I looked up at Isaac which made him look down at me. He kissed me slowly and softly keeping his one hand wrapped around my waist and the other hand cupping my cheek. After he pulled away I looked at him but tilted my head a bit.

"What?" He said, "Just surprised you pulled away" I brushed his light curls and seen him smile. He kissed my forehead, then my cheeks, then my lips. He rested his forehead on mine and mumbled "I love you." I smiled closing my eyes and felt myself drifting off to sleep.


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