Chapter 5 ¤ Big Trouble

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"Where are you going Ms. Jauregui?"

"Out to walk Mud, what can't I do that now?"

"You can, let me just find someone to accompany you Ms."

"No fucking need, I can take care of myself."

"Ms. Luna, as long as Mr. Austin is a threat, we cannot allow for any of you to be out exposed. You are in danger."

"Well if he shows up, better believe that I can beat his ass."

"Your mother has strict orders when it comes to going out on your own Ms. Luna. If you do not allow one of us to accompany you, I shall advise your mother."

"Ugh, fuck you."


Currently Camila was sitting on her bed while looking down at her feet. She was deep in thought, thinking about everything and anything that came to mind when Austin's voice ringed in her ear. Lauren had gone out to the front porch when one of the security guys knocked on the door asking for a minute.

Slowly looking up from her feet, Camila caught a glimpse of a pony tail passing by quickly and got up to check it out. Quietly tip-toeing to her bedroom door, she peaked her head out and saw Luna silently crying as she tried to open her bedroom door. Seeing the sight in front of her made Camila's motherly instincts kick in and rush over to her little girl as she was going inside her room.

"Luna? Mija, can I come in?" She said before opening her daughter's room. "I saw you were- que te paso mija!?"

Luna was sobbing into her sheets curled up into a ball. The front of her white shirt was covered in blood, her leather jacket was thrown off to the side with scratch marks on it, her jeans were covered in dirt. She instantly held her daughter as she sobbed uncontrollably into her chest, rubbing her back or soothing down her hair, and whispering comforting things into her hair.

"H-h-he do-doesn't des-deserve her-her." Luna sobbed, now shaking in Camila's hold.

"Who mi amor? What happened?" The younger mother thinks she has an idea who her daughter is talking about.

"I-I saw them at the-the park and sh-she didn't want hi-him tou-touching h-her. I-I jus-just wan-wanted to hel-help." More sobbed escaped the teens mouth and she burried her face more into her mother's warm chest. "He-he was disre-disrespecting her! I could-couldn't jus-just let him hu-hurt her."

"Baby, I know Marisol isn't with you anymore, it was her decision to leave such a gentlewoman like yourself for a douche bag of a boy. If she's still with him even after all that, there's nothing you can do about it, she chooses to stay with him. You've tried to help her but sometimes people just have to find out on their own what might happen. We both know she's going to end up being hurt some way by him, but we've warned her and tried everything to get her to listen. We can't do anything else but let her find out on her own now."

"I-I know, but sh-she still has part of m-my heart. I ca-can't just for-forget about he-her."

"Give it time. I saw how you look at Mikey's daughter and she looks at you. I think it's time you move on and see where this takes you. Michael and I are more than okay if you two give it a go," Luna looked up into her mother's warm eyes, giving her a small hug.

"You always know what to say to cheer me up mo- mami." Her hug going from just a squeeze, to a big warm hug. Her face in the crook of Camila's neck and her arms around her shoulders. While Camila gave her older baby a kiss on the head and proceeded to hold her close.

"Just make sure to keep the door open when she's over tomorrow. I don't want a repeat of what happened last time there was a sleep over."


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