Ch. 12 ¤ The Baby

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Couple weeks later

"I'm gonna kill her!"

Well isn't the Jauregui-Cabello household always so peacefull.

"I'm gonna kill that bish!"

"Whoa there lil lady!" Lauren said as she trapped her most rebellious child between her arms. "Who are you going to kill, and more importantly how? Well more importantly would be where do you plan on hiding the body, but I guess you can work that out la- OW!"

"Lauren Michelle Jauregui Morgado Cabello."

"Someone's in trouble."

"There's that bish! Let me at 'er!"

Yep. Peaceful.

"Alright can someone explain why Luna is trying to kill Mia, again?" Camila said holding onto Mia before she ran off.


"Hey moon girl, Vero is here to see you." At the mention of said girl's name, Luna immediately go up off her bed and went over to the living room.

"Hey Roni!" Luna said cheerfully as the other girl came up to hug her.

"Hi Luna." Veronica's cute dimples showing as she smiled widely at Luna who melted at the sight.

"What may I assist you with?"

"Just wanted to stop by and give your moms a little gift for your sister." Luna raised an eyebrow confused.

"Didn't Mia open the door?"

"Oh no, not that sister." The older twin mentally facepalmed herself.

"Oh! Our baby sister. They're not home right now but they should be back in a little while if you wanna stay? You'll be accompanied by the best person ever."

"I would love to spend some time with Mia!" Luna playfully rolled her eyes as Vero giggled. "Oh, could you sign this?" She held out a white piece of paper.

"Sure, what's it for?"

"I'm collecting people's signatures as a part of a gift for someone. I'll ask Mia for her's before I leave."

So Luna gladly took the pen from Vero's hand and before she could doubt any longer, a pair of soft lips pressed against her cheek making her brain automatically shut down. She didn't even know what she was even doing anymore.

All-the-while, hazel eyes watched from the kitchen, quiet giggles coming from the owner. As well as a rose-gold device held in said owner's hands.

"And this has to do with killing Mia how?" Lauren asked stilled holding back Luna.

"She fucking recorded the whole damn thing! She and Roni set it up, and now Mia has a video to blackmail me!" Camila raised an eyebrow.

"Mia would never do that, right mija?"

"Never mami."

"Why would she need to blackmail you?" The younger adult asked the older twin.

"Because, because, she, I, it's," Luna grew red and eventually gave up her struggles of trying to escape her mama's grip. "Thank you Mi." She added ever so quietly, and the other twin knew exactly why she was being thanked.

Though Luna still didn't get why out of all things they could've done, signing a paper it was. It wasn't like she was about to complain though.

"Mia, we need to talk."

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