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The forest was thick and my vision wasn't great in the mist of the morning. The whole pack- including me- were out looking for the vampire, what a stupid vampire; coming into our territory. This was our forest and some stupid vampire thinks it's a good idea to hunt here. 

"Riley where the hell are you?" My brother's voice whispered harshly in my mind. 

"Hunting, now go away and stop trying to track me!" 

I walk away from the pack about twenty minutes ago, doing my own thing as usual. Let them find the vamp; I have better things to do. 

"No, you'll get your self killed!" He shouted disapprovingly. 

"I will if you lot keep distracting me!" I screamed.  

First dad now him, ugh why cant they leave me alone? 

"I'm serious!" He yelled. 

"So am I!" 

I'm seventeen and now my whole family can't stand me, although I don't think they ever could. I sneak out at night; I disappear without telling them and spend my time alone in my room listening to bands like Hollywood Undead, Papa Roach and Three Day's Grace. I've always had an attitude problem too, i suppose that doesn't help.

I turned back into my human form; severing my mental connection to the pack. I looked around, it was cold but I had a pair of black jeans, converse boots and a black hoody on, so the cold wasn't bothering me. I sniffed the air, the sent was so strong and overpowering I didn't have a chance to react.  

The vampire grabbed me from behind, with his arms wrapped tightly around me, I couldn't move. There was a pain in my neck and I felt the blood drain from me. My body started to go numb, with only a stinging pain spreading through me because of the lack of blood. My heartbeat slowed and my breathing became very shallow, before darkness flooded over me...

My eyes fluttered a few times before my vision cleared. I was staring up at a wood ceiling, my head felt like a bus had hit it. I rolled onto my side, big mistake! I closed my eyes and groaned at the sudden burst of pain in my body. 

"That will be the lack of blood. You'll feel better in a few minutes." A soft, husky voice noted. 

I opened my eyes and on the other side of the room, looking out the window was a tall figure. Just great! I moved my long black hair away from my neck and put one hand on my neck; sure enough there was some dried blood around a bit mark, just peachy. I moved my hand to my back pocket of my jeans, where I kept a silver dagger. Silver I know stupid since I'm a werewolf but you never know. 

"You think I would be that stupid?" the vampire sighed holding up a silver dagger. 

Damn it! 

"Well you were stupid enough to hunt in our forest." I threw back. 

"Feeling better?" he turned to smile at me in amusement. 

I didn't answer I just glared at him. His sparkly blue eyes glistened in amusement, stupid vampire. His dark hair was spiked at the back and swept across his face, making him look quiet cute in an emo-ish way. He was pale, obviously and wearing black: black trainers, black jeans, and a black shirt. Oh wait I'm wearing black so I can't really be ironic about the whole dark, mysterious creature of the night stereotype crap. 

"Oh and consider this a warning, if you phase I wont hesitate in kill you." He smiled menacingly. 

I didn't like the way he smiled at me; it made me feel uneasy and vulnerable and I don't cope well felling weak. 

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