Chapter 48: The Colour Of Blood

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The Company (reminder for you all)

Hwindohtar / Hwindo - The Whirling Warrior - Legolas - The Silvan

Dimaethor / Dima - The Silent Warrior - Lainion -

Idhrenohtar / Idhreno - The Wise Warrior

Ram en Ondo / Ram en - Wall of Stone

Lindohtar / Lindo - The Bard Warrior - Carodel

Rhrawthir - Fierce Face - Galdithion

Rafnohtar / Rafno - The Winged Warrior - Elladan

Glamohtar / Glamo - The Screaming Warrior - Melven


Legolas stood alone inside Nestaron's office. The door was open and beyond it, was utter silence, even though he felt the presence of many souls. His mind was still reeling, the face of his father floating before his mind's eye, the deep bass voice still echoing in his ears. He had met the king, had shouted at him, had smiled at him, had conversed almost normally with him. It sounded absurd, he realised and he almost laughed aloud.

It had not gone as he had expected it to, for although the anger had been there, so too had other, deeper emotions, the ones laying beneath the anger, the ones that caused it and that Legolas did not want to bring to the fore. It had been all he could do to control them yet even so, they had threatened to spill over. It was some consolation though, that the king, too, had found himself overwhelmed at first, and he undoubtedly had many more years of experience and wisdom.

Melven came to stand before him and Legolas' mind sharpened once more, first on the grey eyes of the Noldorin warrior, and then on his own weapons the Noldo carried with him.

"Are you alright?" he asked in concern albeit his face remained rigid and unmoving.

Legolas smiled sparingly, and then spoke so softly that Melven would later wonder if he spoke to himself.

"Yes. It starts now... the real work starts here, now," he muttered, unaware of just how prophetic his words would turn out to be.

Melven frowned, not quite understanding his meaning but nodded all the same, and then moved behind Hwindohtar to guard his back for the walk back to the fortress.

Dorhinen entered then and approached Legolas for the first time, and if Melven was good at masking his emotions, this Sinda was even more so, yet his eyes told a different story, one Legolas could not quite understand. There was recognition there behind the cool grey, but Legolas was sure he had never met this elf.

"Hadorion," was all the Sinda said with a curt nod at his comrade, before turning and leading the way out of the room and into the Healing Halls and behind him, Legolas, his face no longer hidden, free of the cloak that had masked his identity. It no longer served any purpose for the time had come to show the Greenwood who the Silvan was.

Healers and patients alike stood watching, transfixed almost, only grudgingly opening a path for the three elves as they passed, waiting until the last possible moment to do so; everyone wanted to look upon the elf in their midst for it was surely him, they whispered. Indeed the murmurs around them were mostly expressions of shock and poorly stifled gasps of utter disbelief.

The Silvan (Lord of the Rings-Legolas)[Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now