Chapter 49: Wild Flowers

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Commander General Celegon sat behind his desk in an office just off the main courtyard, not far from the Halls of Healing.

Since the attack on Prince Handir's escort, there had been no time to rest; even today he had gone without the midday meal for work was incessant, and after the morning's regrettable events, he dare not leave his office lest some other, unforeseen business rear its ugly head.

Extra patrols had been drawn up and sent off, which meant more warriors returning from their turns of duty, indeed the city barracks were teaming, and Nestaron's healers were hard-pressed to keep up with the constant flow of wounded. Scouts too, rode in almost every hour with their reports, reports Celegon would then use to discuss the Greenwood's strategy and deploy her warriors.

To this end, General Huron stood at a sprawling table upon which maps were spread, and coloured stones scattered here and there, yet there was nothing random about their position. He talked quietly with three Captains, who listened carefully, their eyes trained on Huron's expressive hands as he pointed here and there.

Celegon approached them with the latest report in his hand, grabbing a fistful of black stones and then slamming them down close to the South-eastern border, promptly bringing their discussion to a close.

"Damn them!" he hissed.

Huron observed the area and the other stones around it.

"There are still many but we are reducing their numbers, my Lord," said the General.

"I want to know why, why this sudden influx - why have they come down from the mountains now? Precisely now? What drives them?"

The captains shook their heads for they had nothing to say. The enemy's movements were strange indeed, but the only event that could remotely warrant their increased activities was the arrival of Prince Handir; yet while a member of the Royal Family, he surely did not warrant such concern amongst the orcs - he was not a warrior, not a commander. The Greenwood's military leaders were at a loss.

Huron blew out a breath, dismissed his captains, and then turned to Celegon, his experienced eyes searching those of his commander, wondering perhaps, if what he had to say should wait. But before he could open his mouth and try his luck, Celegon turned to a side table and poured two glasses of wine.

"Here, join me," he said, handing one to Huron, who accepted it with a grateful nod.

"Out with it, Huron."

The General smiled, not bothering to ask how he knew, for the Commander was a most excellent judge of character.

"There is much dissent amongst the warriors, Celegon. The Silvans no longer keep their peace, no longer shrink from an argument, from a misplaced insult. They are answering back and the situation is deteriorating."

"Are there so many of our Sindarin warriors that are playing this absurd game of politics? A game they know nothing about?"

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