Chapter 66: Reel Of Lland Galadh

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Author's note:

Don't start the video until ** This prompt  :)

Legolas took a long sip of his wine, relishing for a moment the strong, heady aroma that snaked up into his nostrils and soothed his racing heart. He had not eaten much and perhaps that was just as well. There would be time enough once they returned to camp, where the real party would begin and he would be freer to be himself. He smirked mentally, wondering if Llyniel would be allowed to join him.

Elladan was talking animatedly with Handir, his eyes straying to the princess from time to time, while Mithrandir and Narosén had struck up a deep conversation on the properties of energy flow between trees, apparently oblivious to all else.

Maeneth spoke with Llyniel and with Rinion, but Legolas could see her veiled interest in Elladan, something that made him inordinately happy. Elladan had been given only temporary leave to ride in the Greenwood, and the thought of losing him, losing Rafnohtar left him with a hollow feeling. Elrond's eldest son had become irreplaceable, and his friendship with Maeneth was a promising whisper, that perhaps, with time, they would become closer - that Elladan would not have to leave.

"Legolas," came Mithrandir's deep voice. "Your eyes - if we may - Narosén and I were discussing the reason behind their - luminosity -," he said.

The question had drawn the attention of all that sat close enough to hear, including Llyniel, and Legolas knew he would need to be careful with what he said. Placing his fork carefully upon his plate, he turned his eyes to the side, searching for a way to describe it, one that would not sound too - far fetched, too close to the truth.

"I believe it is their light, a part of their aura seems to - connect - with mine, it is what allows me to understand them, and for them to understand me. Some of you have seen the full extent of it, unfortunately," he smiled ruefully, "and I believe that is due to the suddenness of it, the urgency of their voice, the amount of their essence that is needed to make me understand - do you follow?" he frowned, his eyes moving from Mithrandir to Narosén.

"I believe so," said Mithrandir with a brief glance at the Spirit Herder. "But go on..." urged the wizard, "why do they shine now - do they still speak?" he asked.

"Yes," smiled Legolas. "Can you not hear them, Narosén?" he asked and the Spirit Herder shook his head. "Not any more, not in here," he said sadly.

"They murmur and they sing, and sometimes they speak of people, and places. For now it is soft and distant, unintelligible unless I concentrate."

"'Tis magic," said Maeneth in wonder, but Legolas shook his head adamantly. "No, not magic, sister. It is physics - it is an exchange of energy I do not understand the details of, but it is not caused by incantations or spells. I am not a mage, I am a simple vessel through which they speak."

"Handy in a difficult situation," said Rinion with a smirk, and Legolas giggled. "Aye - but dangerous should I be mistaken for a demon of Morgoth, as Silor once called me," he smirked as he picked up his fork once more.

"I heard about that," said Rinion as he sipped his wine. "The fool is a base warrior once more."

"He had no leadership skills at all, brother, even I could see that," said Handir.

"Then it is just as well," muttered Rinion.

"I always thought... Legolas?" asked Elladan, interrupting whatever it was he was about to say, for his friend's gaze was off to the side once more, lost in the voice of the trees.

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