Chapter 1

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A brunette with wavy kinda curly hair came running down the broken steps. Expertly jumping over the broken ones, her emerald green eyes shining with happiness. She quickly ran into the small kitchen, and sat on a, about to break, chair. There was one across it, a small table, about to break, separated the chairs. A woman was putting some rice on a plate, her white hair still having some of her jet black hair. She brought over two plates, gave it to the brunette and sat down to eat. The brunette happily ate what was on her plate, her bright smile didn't fade, showing off a small, yet noticeable, dimple. The brunette also had some freckles, which the woman didn't have. Her eyes were hazel and her face had no markings on it. "I'm sorry dear but I have to run an errand so I'll be leaving for a while," the woman said. The brunette's smile faded and looked at the woman questionably. "When will you be back?" She asked, her voice hinting she was sad. "I'll be back soon. Don't worry," the woman answered and but the empty plate in the almost rusted sink. "And while I'm running my errand I need you to wash the dishes and I need you to not go outside," the woman added. "Alright," the brunette replied. The woman came over and gave her a light kiss on her forehead, put on her jet black cloak, waved then left, the door sending a creepy echo in the house.

The brunette washed the two dishes and went up to her room. It just had a bed with a mirror, no colors just white. She laid down on her bed and grabbed a small, almost torn up, teddy bear. It was wearing a green ribbon and had a locket. She opened it, there was a name written in it, the only letter she could make out was the L. She once had a purple charm bracelet, but that disappeared years ago. The only jewelry she had was a necklace, with a simple gold locket that had nothing inside. Or at least, she thought...

Lightning strikes and thunder booms, scaring the brunette and making her hug the bear tighter. The rain made it worse by tapping on her window, like some person was actually tapping the window. She had always been scared of a lot of things, but what could you expect from someone who's been in their house all their life? Thump, thump, thump. She say up and started to go downstairs, the thunder still scaring her. "Oh aunt your back!" She exclaimed, smiling again. But it wasn't her aunt, but a man. She couldn't make out any of the facial features, but she knew two things, this is the first man she's ever seen, and she's very afraid right now. "Oh hello Sophie," the man said in a deep voice. "W-who are you?" She questioned, her voice shaky. First the thunder storm, now this! Sophie hugged the bear tighter, wishing so hard that her aunt would come back. The man laughed, he pulled out something, but in the dark she couldn't see anything. It shot things towards her, she moved away as it hit the wall. The house started to wobble and crumble. Sophie was scared and had no clue what to do. The house started to fall apart and Sophie dashed for the door, rain poured harder and the lightning didn't stop flashing, the thunder didn't stop cackling, but Sophie ran still. She had no clue where but she knew for a fact that she had to run away, somewhere far away. She could still hear the creepy deep voice in her head, oh hello Sophie. How did he know her name? And how in the world did he find the house? It's literally right next to a forest and with no sign of people for days worth of, pretty much any kind of transportation. She was getting more scared by the second, but she didn't stop running, not until she felt safe...

A/n: alright, I know I made another one before this, but I didn't like it so I got rid of it. If anyone is reading this then I would rlry like some constructive and polite comments, like u can tell me what I can improve on or what u like, I won't mind. Still hoping that maybe someone will read this...

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