Chapter 3

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"New Ninjago City," Sophie read the sign and continued to walk. She had ran all night through the storm and ended up here, soaking wet. It was pretty early so everything was closed. She walked by a noodle house with a model of a red head girl. "A noodle house. It must have food right? Right," Sophie talked to herself, which earned her a few confused looks from the early morning workers. She opens the door and walks in, there were only two people in line. Being served by a red head girl, like the one on the store, and has mossy green eyes. She was wearing a type of ninja gi that was mainly orange. The two customers left, leaving Sophie alone with the girl or female. "Can I help you?" She asked in a sleepy voice. She yawned as if she just woke up. "I uh, um don't have any money," Sophie mumbled, recalling what Miranda had mentioned about the city. "I guess you aren't from around here. I'll get you a glass of water, that's free," the girl said. She filled up a cup and handed it to Sophie. "T-thank you, uh," Sophie looked at the name tag, "Skylor. Thank y-you Skylor," Sophie thanked and drank it quickly. "Your welcome, um I didn't get your name," Skylor said. "My name is S-sophie," Sophie replied. "Well no problem Sophie," Skylor said.

"Multiple people have gone missing, putting the citizens of Ninjago in a worrisome situation. With many people disappearing from around Ninjago, everyone is recommended to stay indoors. Stay safe, more on this report after the ad," the news lady spoke, surprising Sophie. Then she looked at the TV in awe, first time seeing one. Ads for makeup companies came up. "Do you have a place to stay or something?" Skylor asked, watching the screen with a disgusted look every time a makeup ad came on. "Uh," Sophie began, scratching the back of her neck nervously. "Then you really aren't from around here," Skylor concluded. "Don't worry. You can stay at my place until things clear up so you can find yourself a place to live," Skylor offered. "Oh thank you! But won't I be bothering y-you? I'm sure there's a hotel that I can stay at, or s-something like that," Sophie mused. "Are you crazy? People are being abducted by someone or something, and you're thinking about traveling?" Skylor looked at her like she was crazy. "I n-never mentioned that," Sophie mumbled, confused. Skylor covered her mouth, then sighed. "How'd you know what I was thinking?" Sophie asks. "I'm the Elemental Master of Amber," Skylor began. Sophie's eyes widened, she heard stories about them but never thought they existed. "I have a bit of every elemental power that I got from other masters. I used my mind reading on you," Skylor continues. "Fire, lightning, Earth, Ice, Power/Creation, Amber, Mind, Nature, Sound, Energy, Form, Shadow, Light, Speed, Toxins, Water, Wind and Gravity," Sophie recited. "Well there are these 6 ninja who protect Ninjago. Nya, Jay, Zane, Cole, Lloyd and Kai," Skylor added, a little dreamily. The name Lloyd sounded familiar to Sophie, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. "Their elements?" Sophie questions. "Nya has water, Jay has lightning, Zane has ice, Cole has Earth, Lloyd has power/creation, and Kai has fire," Skylor answered.

They spend the rest of the day talking about Elemental Masters, filling in the gaps of Sophie's knowledge about the world. "So there was a man at your house, then he shot something, then the house started to fall apart and you ran all the way here?" Skylor questions, trying to get some sense from the story. "Pretty m-much," Sophie answered. "So you never told me what your powers were," Skylor began. "I-i don't know w-which element I h-have," Sophie stuttered. "There's no need to be shy! Besides you can tell me," Skylor reassured Sophie. "Well I don't have energy. Maybe yours is energy?" Skylor guessed. Sophie shrugged, she had never talked to anyone besides her aunt Miranda. She was nervous and found herself stuttering a lot. Skylor gave her a concerned look, then smiled brightly, showing off a small dimple. "Maybe. A-aren't there colors? Like for e-each elemental master?" Sophie questions. "You could say that," Skylor answers.

Sunlight shined through the window, waking up Sophie. "Morning," Skylor said, coming out of the bathroom with her hair out and an orange t-shirt with jeans on. "Orange L-looks good on you," Sophie complimented. "Thanks. I don't think a lot of people are gonna show up thanks to the kidnapping going on, so I think we both could just enjoy the delicious food of the noodle house ourselves," Skylor laughs. "Sure," Sophie replied. "That's the first sentence you said without stuttering!" Skylor exclaimed. "Now your making me nervous again!" Sophie said. "Oh forget that, freshen up and we'll go down to eat breakfast," Skylor took her hand and lifted her up, then pushed her into the bathroom.

Sophie was led by Skylor down to the restaurant. Skylor had given Sophie a purple tink top with a short sleeved, white cardigan and a pair of new jeans with purple converse. "Huh, purple does suit you well," Skylor noticed, putting some sort of food in her mouth. "You don't mind if I keep this outfit right? I like it," Sophie asked, then spun on her heel and lightly fell onto the chair. Skylor laughs, "of course not." Smiling, Sophie started to eat one of the many things on her plate. "Wow I have never eaten any of these things before!" Sophie exclaimed, eating a ton of different things. Then they both heard a ding. Turning around, they saw a man and woman with masks covering their face. Fire burned on Skylor's hand and she jumped from her seat and attacked the man. The man fought back well, but was no match against Skylor's power. The woman took out a, which Sophie identified as a, gun. She bit her lip as the woman aimed the gun in front of her. "I know your here. I can smell your fear. Come out!" The woman demanded. Sophie felt a hand on her and another one on her mouth and turned around to see Skylor. "We gotta go," she urged. She let go of her grip on her mouth and they both ran out and into the streets of Ninjago City...

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