Chapter 15

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Nya P.O.V
Am I the only one who realized it? That's an unusual amount of dark energy coming from Sophie that I've never sensed before...

It's strange...maybe it has something to do with the fact that her energy balls are purple and black? I think so...and you can't forget that her last name is Overlord. Miranda didn't look so pleased and Misako...well her face is expressionless. "Something wrong?" Sensei asks. "No," Miranda answers hesitantly. Is that fear in her voice? Nah, that lady seems tough, she didn't make me think otherwise. "Wu, we need to talk to you...alone," Misako says. Sensei nods, then follows them both inside. "Wonder what that's about," Lloyd muses. Probably not something good. "Now can someone help me with all this extra energy? I can't stand still!" Lloyd says, I look at him to see Lloyd running in place. "Just give me a moment," Sophie says. Lloyd starts to glow a light green, an aura leaving him and turning purple, then going into the purple glowing Sophie. it even possible?

"Woah," I look up in amazement and see the different colors representing the different energies around us. It looks so...magical. Some colors fly around, some stay where they are. Purple, pinks, blues, greens, violets, indigos, reds, oranges, and so many others. They disappear as soon as they appear. "What happened?" I ask, losing the calming feeling I had. "Sorry but I can only make it visible for a minute for someone who isn't an Energy Master. At least, according to Sensei that's how it is," Sophie answers, clearly this exercise made her tired. "We can take a break if you want," I suggest. Sensei decided that I should show Sophie the basics of controlling an element, or using your powers. For everyone else, it's been a while so it makes sense that I would be able to teach her a bit. Although...her powers aren't as straight-forward as the rest of our's are. "No it's fine...I want to learn as much as I can," Sophie replies with a smile. Well she's being enthusiastic about it. Still, every time she learns and masters a skill, the dark energy I sense from her gets stronger...surly Sensei has noticed? It's kinda hard to miss now. "Alright, you have the right attitude! Remember, it's important to know your element. To become one with it, in a sense. Well that's when you go full elemental but none of us have done it before so yeah, whatever. have to be synced with the element," I start to explain, the way Sensei did with me.

Sophie P.O.V
Nya got a call from Kai, so then she left too. Being out here...alone....

Never mind. That lonely feeling though...

I was board. Auntie had gone out for some reason unknown to me. The sun was setting and the house was kinda dark. I put Mr. Teddy to sleep, Lloyd had left him here last night. I look at my empty wrist, I lost my purple bracelet last night too. I touch the gold necklace around my neck to give me some reassurance. It was a gift from my parents...and I treasure it. I sat down on the old brown couch. Silence. That's all there ever was back one around, just me.

All alone...

I always wondered about my parents then, at least I had something from them. It made me feel happy, warm on the inside....although now, I don't know. The warmth was there too that night. The silence was scary, I was all alone with no made me feel sad. I had no one at that time...I touched the necklace again. It only reminded me of the fact that my parents aren't here...that I'm not with them. I felt It hurt, it really did. I couldn't bear it that I couldn't even cry about it.

I touch the necklace again, trying again not to cry. That empty feeling was back again. I laugh. "I've been so lonely," I say.

"I know what you mean."

Startled, I turn around and see no one. "Who's there? No wait, on second thought you won't reply. Show yourself!" I tell the land. An energy ball had formed on my hand. These must be the reflexes Nya was talking about. I just hope that Sensei was wrong about people wanting a fight. Wait...that voice sounds familiar...

"Skylor? Please let it be you," I mumble to myself. I hear branches breaking and start to spin, slow enough to be able to see everything. "I'm glad you're okay Sophie!" Skylor comes out of the shadows and hugs me. I hug her back. "Where've you been? I was wondering," I ask. "Back at the shop. Someone has to run the business. Besides...I have some info that someone might like to know," Skylor answers, a loving look in her eye. She sighs dreamily. "Are you sure it's not just because of Kai?" I question. Skylor turns a bit red. "T-that's not the only reason," she answers quickly. I smile. "Okay. I'm sure this someone would love to hear the information you have for them," I reply and lead her to the Bounty. Can't help but wonder about where my parents are. Looking back to make sure Skylor was still there and not just a dream, I think about the possibilities. Well, wherever they are...I hope they're happy and helping those who need it. I know they are...they couldn't be any other way...

"Welcome Skylor," Sensei greets her warmly. "Skylor!" Kai dashes into the dining room and heads straight for Skylor. They start to lean in close. Someone's hand covers my eyes. "Hey! What's going on?" I ask, not happy about the fact that someone's wet/sweaty hand is over my face. (I can't even tell if it's wet with water or wet with sweat! That's a bad sign...right?)

"Get a room!"

"Can't you see that there are children here!?"

"Hey I'm not a kid anymore!"

The hand comes off of my eyes and I blink to get used to the light.

"It's time I told you."

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