Chapter 32

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No one P.O.V
Sophie wakes up early and quickly eats breakfast. Her phone buzzes, so she grabs it. It's Skylor.

Skylor: heyyyyy, how's everything going?

Sophie: Skylor pls don't call or text me

Sophie sets aside her phone and then it starts to ring. "Hello?" Sophie says.

"What was up with that weird text Soph?"

"I'm just going to finish things...that's all."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's exactly what it sounds like."

"But what are you going to finish?"

"I'm not going to straight out tell you, you'll try and stop me then."

"What why woul-oh my gosh! Sophie you don't mean...?"

"That's exactly what I mean."

"Sophie listen to me! You can't go through with that! That's basically suicide!"

"I don't even know what 'suicide' is."

"'ll get yourself killed!

"Oh, so you're only worried about me dying because if I die, the Overlord will come back?!"

"No! I would never! But seriously! You'll die if go through with this!"

"I know."

"Then please don't do it! Sophie, I'm begging you! Please don't!"

"I'm sorry. Thank you, for being my first friend Skylor. And helping me when I needed it." Sophie shuts off the phone, and throws it behind her. It starts to buzz, crazy like. With texts from Skylor, and calls. With a sad look, Sophie leaves the dojo.


"Please tell me you have seen Sophie," Miranda runs into the room, where all the ninja are. "She wasn't in bed when I woke up this morning," Nya says. "I haven't seen her all day, but that's not new anymore," Kai adds. "Isn't she in the training room?" Zane asks. Miranda frantically shakes her head, 'no'. "Where do you think she could've gone?" Lloyd asks, standing up. Everyone else does the same. "There's no way she would just leave," Cole says. "Yeah, maybe she went for a walk?" Jay suggests. "Call her," Miranda orders. Zane manages to call first, since he's a robot and all. "Sophie isn't picking up," Zane concludes. "Let's look for her around here then," Jay suggests.

A buzzing sound is heard from under the couch. Kai crouches down, and picks it up. It's Sophie's phone. With a whole bunch of calls and text messages from Skylor. " may wanna see this!" Kai calls out, scrolling through the texts.

Skylor: Please don't go through with this!

Skylor: Sophie I'm begging you!

Skylor: you'll die if you go!


"Oh no.." Kai shakes his head in disbelief. "Oh no, she didn't," Kai mummers in disbelief. "She didn't what?" Lloyd asks, looking worried. Everyone else arrives too. Kai shows them the phone. No one else really got it, Zane did. Miranda runs in, with Wu and Misako behind her. She also looks through the phone. "No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no!" Miranda presses her temples with her hands. "We have to go. Now!" Miranda cries and runs out the room. Everyone else follows.


"What's going on?" Lloyd asks, while running. "Sophie's trying to handle this on her own, that's what's going on!" Kai answers. "You don't mean..." Lloyd begins. "I do mean that," Kai finishes, looking angry. "But why would she just run off and try to solve this on her own?" Nya questions. No one answered, because right in front of them is Kate, John and Sophie.

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