Chapter 17

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*thats just a pic of what she looks like in the dress...i drew it

Sophie P.O.V

"I need you to change into this," Miranda says, handing me a purple dress with a plain pink belt. "A dress?" I groan. "Yes a dress. We're visiting an old friend of mine and she, let's say, is fancy. Really fancy," Miranda explains. I look at the dress, it has thin straps and should come down to my knees. Where did she even get the dress from? Sensei Wu walks in and raises an eyebrow when he sees the dress. "Friend. Visiting. Be back by 10," Miranda explains simply and pushes me out along with her. "Change quickly. We can't travel during the night," Miranda says and then walks away. Okay...that's weird. I walk into Nya's room and lock the door. Then I start to change.

I look at myself in the mirror while brushing my hair. Ugh...I don't really wanna go. Who is this friend anyway? And why haven't I heard about her before? Why can't we travel through the night? Oh forget it. I'm not gonna get answers anytime soon anyway. But why do I need to go? This all doesn't make sense...

Well nothing has ever since I left my home...

I walk outside, thinking about that strange 'vision' I had at the library that day. And those red eyes I had seen. The person talking in that 'vision' reminds me of the stories Miranda used to tell me. They were scary, about some 'evil' man named, Overlord. Like my last name. Ever since that one story she told me I've been afraid of the Overlord and hated the fact that he would do all those crimes. I don't want to be related to someone who brings harm to others. It's just not right! Not that I've stopped believing the Overlord was real anyway.

We reached Miranda's friend's house. It's pretty big and fancy. As I walk inside, I understand that Miranda wasn't kidding when she said that her friend is really fancy. A butler opened the door for us! I've only read about this sort of stuff so it's pretty cool seeing it in real life. My phone vibrates and I take it out of the purse Miranda is carrying. She's wearing what you would call, 'business casual'. A white buttoned shirt and black pants with black heels. And she made me wear a dress. Hump.

Nya: u aren't board r u?

Me: nope! Well...maybe a little...

Nya: well that sucks, anyway, I thought I'd bring u something to eat

Me: there's no need...

Nya: I know u haven't tasted a lot food so I'm bringing something new!

Me: well...if u want...

"Ah Miranda! It's so good to see you again!" A strangely sweet voice exclaims. I look up to see a woman. She has jet black hair that's in curls and is wearing a sky blue dress, with hints of gray and royal blue heels. The dress really brings out her eyes, they're hazel. Her cheeks are really red, like beyond normal red. She has a ton of makeup on but I guess it suits her. "It's good to see you again too! I've missed spending time with you," Miranda says while hugging the woman. Like Miranda, she has no markings on her face. In fact no one that I know has freckles like me. Just thinking about that makes me feel a bit self conscious. "I've missed you too! Is this your niece? I would LOVE to give her a makeover!" The woman squeals. She sounds like a kid yet she's Miranda's age and there no way I'm getting a makeover! Miranda laughs. "Yes that's my niece, Sophie. You can give her a makeover as long as she's okay with it," Miranda replies. "What a pretty name! So can I Sophie?" The woman questions. I can't say no, that would be rude. "Of course! I don't mind!" I answer, hoping I don't sound like I don't want to do the makeover. Ughhh, what am I doing?! The woman squeals with joy and takes my hands in hers and lifts them up a little. "You won't regret it!" She exclaims and then let's go of my hands. The woman and Miranda walk off, leaving me alone.

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