Chapter 10

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Lloyd P.O.V
The place went pitch dark...a felt something hard smack into me....

All I heard was people calling my name....

What is going on?

I open my eyes to see a faint light. Everything still looked fuzzy. Looks like there was something holding me back. I try to use my powers but they don't work.

Clearly this woman knows what she's doing....

Question is: who IS this woman!?

I need to get out of here and now! I look around as my vision gets clearer. There's no one here. Hump, if you ask me this gal is a coward!

"HOW DARE YOU!?" That sounds like MOM!!!

A scream.

"MOM!" I yell, what in Ninjago happened!?

"Ah I see he's awake," the woman's voice says. "If you even lay a finger on him-"

"So what if I do? What will you do?"

"Kate end this stupidity right now! Your grudge is with us! Not our nephew or niece, and if you want specific names, Lloyd and Sophie aren't a part of this. That's the end of that," a voice that sounds like Miranda's says. I'm so confused...I need to get out and figure out what's going on! I struggle against the chains but they won't budge! Ugh how could I have let this happen?

"I managed to kill Lily didn't I? She had reached her full potential and had the purple streak in her hair from her powers evolving. Yet I still killed her, and you're doubting me?" Kate screeches. "She let you kill her!" Miranda snaps back. "Lloyd!? Where are you!?" Mom calls out. "I'm right here!" I yell, hoping she can hear me. On second thought....that wasn't a good idea...

Sophie P.O.V
I don't understand....

Why would anyone want to hurt someone?

Secondly, why would Miranda keep something from me? She never told me about having siblings or about me having a cousin...

Thirdly, if this note was meant for me then why did I not go? It just doesn't seem fair that someone else should deal with my 'problems', I'm sure it was just someone trying to cause some drama like in that one book I read...

I'm just SO confused!!!!!! I fiddle with my necklace and bite my lip in frustration. "Sophie?" Sensei taps my shoulder, I turn around. Fourthly, where in Ninjago did Skylor go!? "I'm confused. I don't know anything or anyone and I'm just lost," I say. "I know. We need to figure out something. If Misako won't even tell me what's going on then it must be bad," Sensei replies with a worried look. "Question: where's Skylor?" I ask. "She said that she needed to take care of something. It would be better for her if she stayed here but that didn't happen," Sensei says. I can't help but feel a little worried. Maybe this problem is the real deal...but Miranda told me that a world is...on second thought, I'm not gonna mention it.

I look up at the stars, the bright white diamonds in the sky. The ones that I just found out existed only last night. They're beautiful...

I wonder where my parents are. Miranda always told me that they are good people....they always helped out others, yet she never mentioned them being her siblings...I probably should've guessed that right? Well I'm sure this has nothing to do with them, they're good people.

What is keeping them so long? They've been gone for over an hour! I continue to look at the stars, then reach my hand out to try and touch them, but obviously I couldn't. I look around, hoping to see any signs of the ninja.


We're still flying, just in one place. And there's a black cloud on the ground.....

Cole P.O.V
We're surrounded. By a black cloud? "I didn't sense anyone magical," Zane says, confused. I put my hand in the cloud, then yank it back just as quickly. It hurts! My hand is solid black then turns back to normal. "It's a cloud of darkness," I declare. "We step into it, we get burned," Kai guesses. "Great. Just when I thought this couldn't get any worse!" Jay complains. We're stuck here. This kind of potion is dangerous for us. "What can we do?" Nya questions. "We can't do anything," Zane answers. "There's gotta be a way out," Kai mumbles.

So we just sit here. We try using our powers but that doesn't work either. "Man! We can't get out of this bubble!" Kai complains. "There's gotta be some way," I mumble. But how? You'd need a reverse potion...and no one works with potions anymore. Great.

I can't believe it. In a blink of an eye, I'm here losing to Jay in a game of checkers! "Dang it!" I say. "You two can't play any other game when we're stuck somewhere," Kai mumbles. "Hey don't ruin our fun! You say to stay positive and that's what I'm doing!" Jay snaps. "Calm down," Nya rolls her eyes. What if I dig/ use my powers to create a tunnel form underground? That would work! I get up and start to use my powers to make a tunnel. "Uh Cole. What are you doing?" Jay points to the hole. "Making a tunnel. To get out of here," I answer. "Why didn't you think of it sooner?" Jay questions. I shrug, who knows?

Now that I've finished the tunnel, Kai is lighting the way with his fire as we go through it. "Guys THE EVIL CLOUD IS FOLLOWING US!!!" Jay panics. "He's right! Move it!" Nya yells. "I'm trying! I'm trying!" Kai yells back. "If it catches up with us we'll be as good as dead!" Zane warns us. Now all I hear is Jay screaming for us to hurry. Can't blame him. "Nice going Zane. Now he's gonna be like this in his panic mode," I mumble. "Dude it's getting closer!" Jay yells. "Calm down we're almost there!" Kai yells back in support. It's gonna get to Jay....

So I....

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