Chapter 16

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"I-I just...don't want her to get hurt."

"You mean well...but when she finds out that you were lying she'll be even more hurt."

"I can't go back now. All I can do at this point is just keep it a one can know."

It's already started...first exposure, then element, afterwards full potential and evolution. Finally...the truth.

"You've been hiding something, right?"

"It's already beginning...and I can't do anything to stop it."

"What's beginning?"

"You won't like it. I'm sure."


"It's beginning! I can't wait!"

"Same. Wonder how long it'll take...we need to bring back my dad as soon as possible."

"Relax dear, it'll be soon."

"Knowing you and our're right, it'll be soon."

"Exactly. Once she's dead, your dad will be back. Although I still don't get why she got the powers and not you..."

"Fate. Destiney. Bad luck. It could be any of them. I would make better use of them though."

"True. Either way, she'll probably just die from trying to control the powers or we can ease the suffering. Though the power one seems more sooner."

"No doubt. Once the power awakens, my dad can come back."

"That isn't far either."

Jay P.O.V
I walk around the Bounty, eating a donut. I walk past Sensei's room and hear voices.

Wait...did I just see that???

I walk backwards until I can see through the little gap of the door. My vision clears.

I see Miranda's head on Sensei's shoulder, with Sensei looking down at Miranda.

He...looks kinda glad

And worried, definitely worried, but he's smiling too.

Ooooooohhhhhhh!!!!! Sensei li-I mean loves Miranda!

Wait until the guys find out! Lloyd especially...maybe even Misako will care...

I stuff the donut in my mouth and take out my phone. I have to be quick. I open the door, just enough for my phone's camera to focus. I take the photo and then dash towards our room. They would never believe me if I didn't have proof! I continue to run and slam the door open.

"What the heck Jay!?" Kai yells. "Guys! Guys! SenseitottalyhasacrushonMirandaand LloydneedstoknowthisalongwothyoyguysanddefinetlyMisako!" I exclaim. "What? All I heard was my name and Sensei, and Miranda and my mom," Lloyd questions. "Senseitotal-"

"Jay. Take a deep breath," Cole interrupts. I take a deep breath. "Okay. Sensei has a crush Miranda! I have photo!" I exclaim and pull up the pic. They all gather around and shake their heads.

"No way!"

"I can't even..."

"Someone tell me I'm hallucinating."

" don't even know..."

"Where's Nya? I gotta show her!" I ask. "Show me what?" Nya walks in. "This! Sensei is totally in love!" I exclaim again and show her the picture. Nya looks at it. Her eyes light up and a smile finds its way on her face. I sigh dreamily. She looks so pretty when she smiles! "That's so cute! Yet...wired," Nya says. "Where's Skylor? And anyone know what she told Miranda the other day?" Kai asks. "I don't think anyone heard what she told Miranda," Zane answers. "She went to run a few errands," Nya says and walks out. "I wanna tease Sensei about this!" I kinda whine. "Don't worry...we all do," Lloyd smiles.

Nya P.O.V
I finished taking a shower and am still in my long red bathrobe. I scroll through my photos to see which ones I should delete. Sophie comes out of the bathroom, wearing a long, purple bathrobe that Miranda got for her. "You haven't changed yet?" Sophie questions, running her hand through her hair to dry it. "Eh, this robe is too comfy," I answer and put my hand on it. It's so soft...I really didn't want to change. "W-well I feel rude to ask this of you...but the only clothes I had are in the laundry," Sophie's voice trails off. "Oh, no worries! I have clothes that you can wear," I reassure her and open up my closet.

Don't get me wrong, I hate doing girly stuff but when it comes to doing it for someone else...well I like to dress up other people. It's a certain degree. I get a text and look at it.

Jay: We all r going out to eat dinner!

Me: k

Jay: be ready in an hour

Me: no sweat

I smile and look over at Sophie. I guess I smiled creepy-like because Sophie steps back a little. "We all are going out for dinner soon," I say and see the worry on her face. "Don't worry, I definitely have something for you to wear." I add and turn back to the closet. "Thanks...really," Sophie replies, I can tell she's smiling.

I gave Sophie a t-shirt and jeans to wear for now, she seemed to be in a hurry to leave so yeah. Wonder where she and Cole went off to yesterday. It's like they disappeared off the face of the Bounty! Wonder if they're off together now...jeez Nya. What made you think of that? Alright, now purple suits Sophie. Red and blue for me. I'll find something good for us to wear. I should probably take Sophie shopp-I can't believe I actually just thought of that! Even if I wanted too, Miranda wouldn't let her. Wait...then what about this dinner? How's this working? Gah! Just pick out something to wear already!

Sophie came back, she lay down on the bed and closes her eyes. "You seem tired," I notice and throw the clothes onto her head. She picks them up and sets them to the side as she gets up. "Well that's one way to get a person's attention," Sophie mumbles. "Hurry up and get changed," I say and head towards the bathroom. "Why?'s that dinner plan that you guys have," Sophie replies. "Yeah. You are going right?" I ask from the bathroom. "No...both Miranda and Misako said so," Sophie answers. Both of them? Strange. I put on my clothes and head out. "You look really nice!" Sophie compliments. "Thanks! But I feel bad, do you want me stay?" I offer. "No, no it's fine," Sophie answers with a smile. "Well...if you're sure," I shrug and walk towards the door, then head towards where everyone else is.

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