Chapter 5

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The sun set, casting a golden glow on the water. Skylor and Sophie sat down on the sand for a break. "This is bad...really bad," Skylor mumbles and shakes her head. "This is so...beautiful!" Sophie exclaims. It is her first time seeing a sunset. Skylor chuckled. "First time?" She questions. Sophie nods, she's in awe.

A gunshot echoed, someone screamed. Skylor quickly took Sophie's hand and ran fast, clearly they wouldn't be able to sleep in peace. They stopped at a clearing, where Skylor noticed that the bullet and gone into Sophie's shoulder. She was crying, and trying to stop the bleeding. "Oh my gosh!" Skylor gasps, eyes wide. "It...h-hurts," Sophie whimpered, blood all over her hands. In the distance, Skylor sees the bounty, and a few figures. "Hold on Sophie," Skylor says and gently leads her to the bounty.

"Alright so we're gonna help the police on the field," Cole explains, leading the ninja outside. "I thought we were already helping them," Kai says. "Well it'll be more effective this way," Cole explains. "Am I seeing things?" Jay questions, pointing to two figures heading this way. "I see it too," Nya agrees, narrowing her eyes to see better. The closer the two got, the more the ninja recognized one of them. "It's Skylor!" Kai exclaims, running quickly in her direction, which earned him face palms from his siblings. "Who's that with her?" Zane asks, tilting his head to see better.

"Woah what the heck happened?" Kai asks, leading the two in the bounty. "She got shot!" Skylor answers, worriedly. "Follow me. Zane I'll need your help too," Nya says. Sophie looked at the ninja with curiosity. She hadn't seen them before, nor has she seen many people, so she took her good 'ol time studying them. The ninja looked around awkwardly. A bit confused as to why the girl was looking was at them.

Nya bandaged the wound, stopping the bleeding a bit. "There were 2 bullets in there," Zane concludes. "Wow. Who shot you?" Nya questions, securing the bandage. "Some bandits I guess. I'm not really sure," Skylor shrugs.

Sophie P.O.V
I saw a lot more people today. Each one looked different from the other. The one that lead me and Skylor here had really spiky brown hair and amber eyes, he wore a red ninja gi. Then I saw a guy with silver skin and icy blue eyes, with platinum blonde hair and wore a white ninja gi. Then I saw a girl with short, jet black hair and ocean blue eyes, but as she covers my 'wound' I could see some sapphire blue too. Her ninja gi was red and blue. I also a another guy, ginger hair kinda brown, and electric blue eyes with a blue ninja gi. There was also another one, he has blonde hair and emerald green eyes and he wore a green ninja gi. There's one more too, he had jet black hair, I didn't get a good look at his eyes, and wore a black ninja gi with some orange.

The silver guy said that I had 2 bullets in my arm. To be honest I was so busy looking at the new people that I forgot about the pain. Once in this room though, it hurt again. The black haired girl gave me a sympathetic look as I winced in pain while she wrapped it. She asked who shot me, Skylor said she didn't know. Well neither do I. The door opens and comes in an elderly woman. Her gray hair with a white streak was in a braid, she has glasses and hazel eyes. I feel nervous, there's a lot of people. My eyes dart around then land on Skylor, I only know her. She smiles at me and puts a hand on my shoulder. The woman looks surprised once she lays eyes on me.

"Skylor what happened?" The woman asks and walks closer. "Well me and Sophie here were eating breakfast when a man and woman came in and attached with guns, we ran away form there and ended up at the beach. Sophie got shot in the arm and then we ran from there too and ended up here," Skylor answers in one breath. The woman's eyes widen and the mention of my name. That confuses me, why so surprised?

Silver man left to go with his brothers somewhere. The woman and girl led me and Skylor into the girl's room. "I should introduce myself. I'm Nya, Master of Water," Nya introduces herself with a smile. Huh, she has dimple. "I'm Misako," Misako tells us. "You girls stay here, I need to do something," Misako says and leaves the room. "Did I do something?" I ask Skylor. "No no no. You didn't do anything. Is something going on Nya?" Skylor questions. "Well Misako's sister, or at least one of her sisters, showed up yesterday. She left looking for her niece," Nya answers. Could it be Aunt Miranda? She never mentioned having sisters or siblings. Nya looks at me, staring right into my eyes and thinking. "You know anyone named Miranda?" Nya asks. "She's her aunt," Skylor answers for me. Nya's eyes widen, why is everyone so shocked? "So your the niece..." Nya mumbles to herself, like she's connecting the dots to some mystery. I can only compare so much...

Apparently it's dinner time. There's so many different kinds of food! But so many people! I feel nervous, everyone here looks at me and then look back at their food and then again. Why? I shrink a little into the purple tink top Skylor gave me to wear. My heart kinda beats faster, I've seriously never been around this many people before. I eat at a slow pace. Stop worrying! Besides nothing's gonna happen. All is right with the world, except for that man and that other man and woman. Maybe those guys are the same person, but then again maybe not. "Hello? Sophie?" Skylor says, waving a hand in front of me. "Huh?" I question, snapping out of my thoughts. "Did you hear what they said?" Skylor asks. "Uh," I hesitate. Oh nice job, you didn't even pay attention. "Sorry I was lost in my thoughts. What happened?" I mumble. "I need to talk to you...alone," Misako says, she looks worried but why does she need to talk to me alone? I gulp, I don't know but I walk out with her anyway.

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