Chapter 1:

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     You were in line for Pattie Mallette's book signing for her new book "Nowhere But Up"! You were more than excited. 

      "NEXT!'' The security guard called. You sighed in disappointment, you were not next. Pattie signed "next's" book(; and said goodbye. Now you were next!(:

     "NEXT!'' The security guard called. Now, you were super excited! Pattie is a big inspiration to you, and you were going up to meet her!(: 

      "Hi, Pattie, it is so nice to finally meet you! You have been such a big inspiration to me, I really look up to you!" You said.

      "Thank you! That truly means so much to me." She said as her phone went off. She quickly checked it, and then went back to your conversation. "What is your name?"


     "That is such a beautiful name. And it is very suiting for such a beautiful girl!" AAAHHH!(: You were so touched that she said you were beautiful, since she was gorgeous.

     "Listen, (Y/N) I really enjoyed meeting you, and there is a big line of people behind you, and I don't want to keep them waiting. But, I would really love to see you again. Umm... I should be done in about maybe 2 hours. Meet me at Starbucks then?" IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING??

     "Sure! See you then!" Pattie stood to give you a hug, and also gave you your signed book. You walked out in disbelief, and excitement.

     Why me? You thought to yourself. What did I do, honestly. There were so many other beautiful girls in that line, why did she choose me to see again? You weren't complaining, but  you were just so absolutely shocked.

     You shook your head from your thoughts, and headed home, so you could fix yourself, so you could meet Pattie at Starbucks.



    "It is so nice to see you again!" You both ordered Java Chip Frappuccinos, and sat down.

    "So the reason I wanted to meet you here, is because I need to discuss something with you. I  assume you know my son, Justin"


     "So you know of him. :) He was actually there at the signing, because I had to take him somewhere afterwards. He texted me as we were talking. He is taking a break from everything, and actually wanted to meet you in person sometime."

     "A-A-Are you serious?"

     "Yes. We are staying at the Radison hotel, room 674. Can you meet him there at 8? He wanted me to set you up"  Awwwee. :)That's cute. "I have to pick up Justin now, see you then!"

     "Bye!" She hugged you goodbye, and walked out. You can not wait! Your idol, inspiration, and savior wanted to take you out. YOU. Wait, you rethought everything through. He wanted to see YOU. He always looks flawless, so you have to look good yourself! You had three hours. You drive home as fast as you could to get ready.


    A smile came upon your face as you saw the outcome of yourself. You had on a solid white tank, an aqua cardigan on top, black pants, aqua flats, and a blue scarf. Not too fancy, but not too boring either. It was perfect for doing whatever THE JUSTIN BIEBER wanted to do. You wanted to contain your fangirl actions to yourself. 



Justins POV:
     I absolutely can NOT to meet (Y/N)! At the book signing she looked so sweet, and nice, not to mention drop dead gorgeous. Her and my mom really bonded.
     "Mom, what is (Y/N) like?"
     "Well, I only saw her twice, but she was really nice. She might just be a keeper" 'A keeper'. I like the sound of that.
      There was a knock at the door, and I tensed. Even Justin Bieber tenses sometimes, you know.
     "(Y/N)!" I heard. (Y/N) is in my hotel room, I'm going to get to meet her! I heard footsteps coming my way. I froze in awe when I finally saw her up close and personal.
     "Hi, Justin!" I could sense that in her voice, she wanted to scream her head off. She contained herself, though, which was impressive.(:
     "Hey, (Y/N). I'm glad to finally meet you."

(Y/N)'s POV
     JUSTIN BIEBER IS EXCITED TO FINALLY MEET ME! AAHHH! ASDFGHJKL. I had to control my fangirliness(a/n: is that even a word? Whatever) though.
    "I'm really glad to see you too!"
     "I'll leave you kids alone." Pattie said and headed to her hotel room.
     "Thanks mom! Love you!" Justin called after her. I loved their relationship.
     "You look really nice, (Y/N)."
     "So do you as always"
     "I take it you're a fan?"
     "More like uh... a die hard belieber. :)"
     "(Y/N), I want you to know that I think you are very beautiful, and I would like to take you out tonight. Are you free?"
     "OF COURSE!" I was shaking,and really excited. Justin could tell, because he chuckled slightly.
    "Great then, let's go!"

    The whole car ride was silent, but it wasnt an awkward silence. We were both deep in thought. I was thinking about Justin, obviously, and Justin was most likely thinking about me. I dont know for sure, but he probably was.(:

     We pulled into someone's driveway. I didn't know ehere exactly we were but I went along with it. Justin opened my door, and offered his hand, which I gladly took.
     "This is Ryan's house. We're going to watch a movie here." Oh, my question was answered.
     Ryan opened the door and we both stepped inside. I could not believe I was with Justin, in Ryan's house. The belieber in me was going crazy.
    "Hey man." Ryan said, and they gave each other a bro hug. "And who are you, cutie?" I blushed, and introduced myself.
     Justin and I sat on one couch, while Ryan sat on another. The door bell rang, and Ryan answered it, revealing a girl, who I assumed was his girlfriend. We all talked for a few minutes, and got to know each other better. Then, Ryan got up and chose a scary movie for us to watch. Great. I hate scary movies, because I get embarassed when I am the only one scared.
     "Don't worry, I got you" Justin said, and snuggled up closer to me. Call me cheesy, but I felt really safe being in his arms.

     Once the movie was over, I found myself with my head buried in Justin's chest. He had his arm wrapped around me, and he then kissed my forehead. "Scared?" He whispered, and I did nothing but nod my head. Justin chuckled, and stood up.
     "Alright, man, we're gonna head out now. I'll see you later, bro"
     "Bye!" I walked over to him and gave him a hug, and he kissed my cheek, in a friendly way. His girlfriend was right there, and he wasn't gonna try anything.(;  I also said bye to his girlfriend, and we walked out, got into Justin's car, and drove off.
     "I don't know about you, (Y/N), but I had a lot of fun tonight. I saw you at my mom's book signing, and had to meet you. I would have gone over right then and there, but I didn't want to get mobbed. But now I see you, and you are an amazing person"
     "Thank you so much! I had so much fun too, Ryan and his girlfriend are really cool. Turn right here." I said. "Now left. It's that little house on the end of the street."
     "Can I see you again?" Justin asked.
     "I would love to see you again."
     "Looking forward to it" He said as he kissed my cheek.


(A/N: That might have been confusing, because some of it didnt really make sense. Oops.  :) )

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