Chapter 55:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

When I woke up in the comfy hotel bed, I thought it was just a normal day, and wanted to go back to bed. As I was thinking about my surrounding, I realized that Justin wasn't with me, and instead, I was with the girls. I leaped out of bed excited, ready to start the day when I realized what today was. My wedding day! In a few hours, I was going to be Mrs. (Y/N) Bieber! Right now, it's only 7am, but we have a lot to do today. I have to go to my hair, nail, and makeup appointments, which is going to take a great portion of the day. After those are all done, I am going to go back home, and put on my dress. Then, the girls and I are taking a limo to the church, and then get married to the love of my life!

I smiled at each of the girls who were each asleep around the hotel room. Even though they look so peaceful and cozy, I think it's time to wake up. "GUYS WAKE UP WHILE I'M STILL (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!" I exclaimed, jumping on the beds and couches that they were sleeping on, trying to get them up. Brenna was the first one up.

"Happy wedding day!" she cheered, getting up. Then, she gave me a tight hug. I hugged her back, enjoying the moment with a good friend. Madi and Bria woke up sometime when Brenna and I were hugging, and they joined us, making a big group hug between four friends.

"I'm going to miss this," Madi sighed. I pulled away, shocked.

"What in the world are you taking about? Just because I am getting married, doesn't mean I am not going to hang out with you anymore!" I stated.

Madi giggled. "I meant that you are going on your honeymoon tonight, so we won't be all together for a while, that's all."

"Oh," I sighed in relief. "I thought something was going on or something."

"Absolutely not!" Bria declared. "The four of our are going to be best friends forever!"



"Amigas, cheetahs, friends for life!" I said while doing a little dance, causing everyone to giggle.

"Okay, let's get our day started!" Bria cheered. I got my purse that I was going to need to pay for my hair appointment, and all of my other appointments, because they are basically one right after the other. I also grabbed a hair piece I wanted the hair dresser to put in my hair, and we walked out the door. On the car ride, we all made basic girl talk, and talked about how happy and lucky we are that we are so close, and can tell each other everything.

When we arrived at the hair salon, I was excited to get started on my preparation for the big day today.

"Hello!" The receptionist said with a smile. "Do you have an appointment?"

"Yeah, it's under (Y/N)," I replied. She typed something into the computer, most likely confirming my appointment.

"Ah, yes, (Y/N). Sit right there, and some one should be right with you," she said, gesturing over to the waiting area. I sat down with Bria, Brenna and Madison, waiting to be called. Shortly after, I was called a chair, where the hair dresser was going to do my hair.

"Hello," the hair dresser said. "What are you planning to do to your hair today?"

"Um, well, I just want a nice updo and maybe some coloring to do to my hair."

"Ooh, that will look nice on you. What's the occasion?"

"A wedding!"

"Cool! Whose?"


"Really, congrats! When is it?" the hair dresser asked as I looked at the clock.

"Um, in about 7 hours."

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