Chapter 51:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

The worst thing ever is having a magical dream about your wedding, and waking up excited. After you realize the wedding isn't for a long time, you get upset, and disappointed. I honestly can't even name how many times that's happened to me, but I know it happened at least last night. I didn't tell Justin when I had the dreams because it really isn't a big deal at all, I'm just thinking about the wedding before bed, and that's the reason I'm having the dreams, that's all.

Depressed from the really good dream I had last night, I walked down the stairs and sat with Justin, who was watching tv in the living room. I sat on the couch next to him, and swung my legs over his lap, watching the show with him.

"Good morning sweetness," Justin said and smiled.

"Morning," I replied, quickly focusing my attention back on the tv.

"Baby, are you okay?"

"Yeah," I replied innocently. "Why?"

"You just seem down."

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Justin asked worriedly.

"Justin, I swear, I am okay. If you knew why I was a little weird you would probably laugh
anyway. Trust me, it's foolish and not a big deal."

"Okay, baby," He said, planting a kiss on my lips. "Do you want to tell me about it anyway?"



"Fine. I had a dream about the wedding, okay?"

"And why was that bad?"

"Because when I woke up it wasn't real, and I wanted it to be, even though the wedding is a while away."

"Aw, baby," Justin said, giving me another kiss. The time will fly by, I promise.



"Okay," I smiled.

"Baby, the mail's here, I'm going to go get it, I'll be right back," Justin said, getting up while moving my legs from his lap.

"I'll get it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I want to see if anything good came for me," I smiled. I opened the door, alarmed by the late morning/early afternoon breeze that was still present, because of my appearance. I was still in my pajamas obviously, which was yoga shirts and a tank top, and that obviously didn't help keep me warm. I opened the mailbox, and took out the few letters that were inside. I looked through them, and saw they were all coupon books and advertisements of some sort, which disappointed me. Then, I looked down at my feet for some reason, and saw a medium sized cardboard box on the ground. I looked at the label at who sent it. Once I read the company name, I grabbed the box quickly, and jolted back inside, happily, dropping the other letters on the way.

I slammed the door in excitement when I got back inside, and smiled at Justin.

"Why is our mail scattered along the walkway, and what's in the box?"

"Our mail is scattered because I dropped it on the way in here, and our invitations have arrived!!"

"Yeah! Let's open the box!" I exclaimed, walking into the kitchen with Justin following behind me. Justin handed me the scissors to open the box, and I ran the scissors along the folds of the box, breaking the tape so I could open it. I'm actually surprised the invitations didn't scatter everywhere when I hurriedly and excitedly opened the box once I got it open.

"They're perfect!" I squealed, picking up the pack of some invitations wrapped in plastic. "We don't have any trouble with the color of the actual card, and the font looks better than it did online."

"They look great," Justin smiled. "Let's keep this place in mind just in case Christian, Ryan or Chaz decides to get married," he added, chuckling.

"You're right, though. They did a wonderful job. I love them so much."

"So I guess this is our task for the day. Writing out envelopes with everyone we're inviting's address on it, and sending them out."

"That's good, considering we had nothing else to do today."

"True. Let's get to it!"

Justin went up to our room, and got the box of envelopes he was saving for when the invitations finally arrived, which just so happened to be today. I grabbed a pen, and started writing the necessary things on the envelopes, while Justin opened up the plastic wrapping from each of the 3 packs all the invitations came in, and started counting them, making sure we didn't get jipped any. I did feel bad that Justin had to do such a boring task, but he had nothing else to do, so why not?

After I was finally done personalizing each envelope, I had Justin seal all the envelopes, with my help of course. Then, we put all the sealed enveloped into the original box, and closed the box back up, and left it on the kitchen table. After that, Justin and I went upstairs to get ready to go out to the post office to mail them.


"We put everything we are mailing in the box, do we have to sort them out?" I asked the man working at the post office.

"No, we can just dump them in the bin we have out back, and they will be sorted out.

"Because you're not mailing the actual box itself, you need to buy a stamp for each individual letter, that we can put on for you, you don't have to worry. How many letters are there here?"

"We have 74 invitations."

"Oh, they're invitations? Are you guys throwing a party or something?"

"We're getting married," Justin smiled, wrapping his arm around me.

"Congrats. So your total will be 34.78 to mail all of these."

"Okay," I said, handing him two twenty dollar bills. "Thank you," I said to the man when he gave me my receipt.

"Have a good day."

"You too," I replied walking out. Well, that's another check off our list! I really hope Justin was right, and the time before our wedding does go by fast.

(a/n: Thank you to the best readers in the world for 27k! Ilysm :)

AND HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TO CHRISTIAN JACOB BEADLES AKA MY FUCKING CINNAMON APPLE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH (It's still technically his birthday where I am shhhh. Sorry for the late update btw)

Literally from this Tuesday at 2:03PM EST until the following Monday morning at around 6:30 AM I am not in school, so I mean, there is a possibility that I will update once (maybe twice  ;) ) during that time lol

Tell me what you thought of this chapter! Give me feedback!!

Thank you for reading! Love you! xoxo)

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