Chapter 47:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Alright, where were we?" 

Justin, Madi, Bria, Brenna and I were back where we were a week ago. Sitting at my kitchen table, starting to discuss my wedding. This is still all crazy to me, probably because I have only been engaged for about 3 weeks now. I'm not entirely sure if I even want  to get used to the fact that I'm engaged, like I still want it always to be a shock to me in a way. 

"We were discussing, or starting to discuss the church and JP."

"Oh, right," I replied. "How do you find a JP anyway?"

"Go online I guess," Justin answered.

"Alrighty." I opened up my laptop and searched "Finding a Justice of the Peace for a wedding." Surprisingly, a lot of results came up. One result caught my attention, and made me laugh a little bit. It was called "Snag A JP." (a/n: I know there is a very similar website, and it actually has nothing to do with JPs, but I am not very and lazy okay.) "Hey guys, look at this!" I exclaimed, motioning towards my laptop. Everyone got up from their chairs, and crowded around my laptop. 

"Is this even legit?" Bria asked. 

"I think so. I mean, it looks real to me. Plus, the name is awesome." I giggled.

"How about we test it first?" Brenna suggested.

"Okay." I clicked on a random state, and a random city, and random people popped up, with their phone numbers. I decided to call a random one. 

"Hello, this is Brad Simpson (a/n: HGASYVGJSVHASB THE VAMPS anyway..), how may I help you?"

"Hi, I was wondering if you were available for my wedding?"

"Absolutely! When is it?" By now, everyone was signaling me to stop.

"Actually, I'm not quite sure yet. Can I get back to you?"

"Yeah, you have my number. Just get back to me whenever. Bye!"

"Bye!" As I hung up, I just smirked to everyone. "Told you it was legit."

"Okay, well then... Bookmark that page I guess, and we'll get back to it once we are close to the date of the wedding."

"Should we figure out the date first, since we are already on the subject?" I asked.

"Yeah" Justin answered. "What I was thinking was you and I could stop at the church downtown, and check to see when the next available date we could book it is, and then we would be all set," Justin said, and turned to the girls. "And obviously we would let you know when we know."

"Great idea! So that covers the date, and church for now. Next I have the guest list. That shouldn't be hard, because we know who want to invite. Do you want to say yours first?" I asked Justin.

"Yeah, I guess. Obviously my mom, my dad, Erin, Jaxon, Jazzy, my Grandma and Grandpa from both sides of the family, my Aunt Tammy, Aunt Candace, Uncle Rob, Uncle Steve(a/n: I can't think of anymore but pretend there will be more)... ah... Ryan, Chaz, Christian, Caitlin, Za, John, Scooter and Yael, Usher, Maejor Ali, Kenny, Allison and her husband, Scrappy, Dan, Fredo, Jaden, Mama Jan, Ry Good, Moshe, Floyd Mayweather, Hoogs, Sammy, and uh I think that's it."

"Well damn."

"Sorry, I have a lot of friends I guess." Justin said, making us both laugh.

"Alright, well I don't have that  many people because I'm not famous, but I'm inviting my mom, two sisters, Madi, Brenna, Bria, Uncle Mike, Aunt Susan, cousins Abby, Aidan, Jasmine, Cecilia, David, Jenna, and Alex, Uncle Carlos and Aunt Ana, my grandparents from my mother's side, and yeah."

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