Chapter 43:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Everyone around us gasped in awe.

"A-Are you sure?"

"I have never been more sure about anything in my life."

"Yes!" I yelled in excitement. i got up from my seat as Justin stood up. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and passionately kissed him. Everyone clapped and cheered for us. We pulled away, and Justin put his hands on my wait, and picked me up and spun me around, Then he pulled the ring out of the velvet box, and got down on his knees. He kissed my hand, and slid the ring on slowly. I squealed, and helped him up and kissed him again.

"I am now the happiest person on Earth thanks to you." Justin mumbled against my lips.

"I beg to differ." I smirked against his lips. I could feel him smirk too. We pulled away, admired each other for a bit, and then sat back down. "Can you eat now?" I teased lovingly. 

"I don't know, maybe." He winked. I giggled, and then we continued to eat the delicious food. 

We finished our food, and then Justin paid, and we left, hand in hand with our fingers interlocked. When we reached the parking lot, we walked around until we saw Justin's car. He unlocked my door, and then opened it for me. "My princess." He said in my ear as I got in. I thanked him while he shut the door. He walked to the driver's side, and opened the door and got in. He took the keys out of his pocket, and put it in the ignition to start the car.

"Was a good surprise for you, baby?"

"The best surprise ever! Maybe I should start liking surprises." I giggled.

"My surprises anyway."

"Of course." I smiled.

"My surprises are always amazing."

"J-Justin?" I asked confused. 


"Where are we going? We live that way," I said pointing in the other direction.

"I know."

"So what are we doing?"

"We're not done yet."

"Another surprise?" I asked, and Justin smiled and nodded. "Oh my." I sighed, and wondered where Justin was taking me now.

We drove and drove until we came to a park. Justin killed the engine, and opened both of our doors. We walked toward something I couldn't quote see from a distance because it was getting kind of dark outside. Justin snaked his arm around my waist, and led me toward the mysterious thing on the side of the road. 

"A carriage ride?" My jaw dropped as I was trying to process everything. A horse and a carriage were right in front of my eyes, and I couldn't believe it.

"Yep! We're going to ride around the park, and maybe see some other scenery around here too."

"I feel like I'm in a movie."

"With you, I always am." He smiled and kissed me.

"Who's gonna be riding the horse around?"

"That would me." Scooter poked his head around and smiled. "Congrats by the way you two."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Scooter clapped and rubbed his hands together. I walked up the steps leading to the carriage first, and Justin followed after me. Scooter then led the horse around the park. It was also kind of chilly outside, so Justin and I snuggled up, and admired our surroundings. He kissed me head, and cleared his throat.

"Are you excited for our wedding?" Justin asked. I gave him an "are you serious" look, and giggled. 

"Of course I am!"

"Me too!" He laughed. "And I know we're young, but I don't see why we should wait, you know?"

"Yeah." I smiled. 

"Do you know who is gonna be in it?"

"Uh.." I thought out loud. "I want Bria to be the maid of honor, and Madi and Brenna to be bridesmaids." I'm not sure about other people. Like I have an idea though."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I know Ryan is my best man, and Chaz and Christian are gonna be groomsmen, but I don't know who else."

"Weddings take a lot of planning, we'll figure it all out." I smiled.

We continued to talk about our wedding, and just our relationship in general. It was by far the best anniversary I have ever had. Scooter led us toward the sun while it was setting, so we were literally riding into the sunset. It was perfect.

(a/n: HIIII!!! I would like to apologize about the length of this chapter, I feel so bad! Sorry!!

 Also, please excuse the sappiness of this chapter. I figured since Justin just proposed it should be like a movie, so that's what I tried to do. Was it magical? :)

Tell me what you thought! Your feedback is what makes me a better writer!!!! Thanks for 18k!! I love you like always :)

 Thanks for reading! xxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox) 

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