Chapter 54:

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 (Y/N)'s POV:

 I smiled to myself in the mirror, twirling around. Today was my bachelorette party, and Justin's bachelor party. Justin won't tell me where he's going with the guys, probably somewhere only guys would go or know about or something. Anyway, Bria was taking the girls and I, plus a bunch of people she invited to a new dance club that just opened up called Toxic. Just in case (not that we're going to because we're civilized people and underaged), Bria has a limo that we're going to ride in to the club and back, so just in case we get drunk or something, we could still be safe, and not cause car accidents.

 I looked again at the gold, flattering dress that I had on with black heels and jewelry, and smiled again, walking out the door. Bria, Madi, and Brenna should be here any minute.

 "Woah, woah, woah, what are you wearing?" Justin asked when I went downstairs.

 "Clothes?" I replied innocently.

 "Clothes that show off a lot," he said firmly.

 "So? Please Justin? It's my last night as a free woman!" I pouted.

 "Fine, only because you look sexy," he replied putting his hands on waist, leaning in. I gave him a quick kiss, and then pulled away. "That's all I get? This is the last time we'll be seeing each other until I see you walk down the aisle!"

 "What do you want?" I smirked. He pinned me against the wall, and kissed me sweetly and passionately over and over again. Spark were basically exploding in my body as I kissed him again and again. It was not rough, but it wasn't entirely gentle either. I felt true love when I kissed him. His hand snaked around my waist, and he cautiously put his hands on the small of my back. I put my hands through his hair, and combed it with my fingers. We continued to basically make out when there was a beep coming from outside. We both pulled away, panting, while Justin looked out the window.

 "That's the guys. I love you," he said, kissing me for a few seconds. The car beeped again, and Justin groaned, pulling away for a second time.

 "I love you too," I smiled. He grabbed my hand, and looked into my eyes lovingly before walking out the door, grabbing his stuff. I ran to the window to watch him leave.

 Justin's POV:

 As I walked out the front door, I started back at the window to see a glowing (Y/N) looking out the window. I smiled at her, and gave her the "heart hands" when entering the car. Tomorrow, already tomorrow, (Y/N) was going to be Mrs. (Y/N) Bieber. Craziness. The next time I will kiss her will be when I say 'I do' and she becomes my wife. Woaaaahhh.

"Hey man, you ready to get turnt?" Ryan asked, putting his hand on my shoulder, smiling.

"LEGGO!" I yelled, and the car pulled away.

(Y/N)'s POV:

Almost coincidentally, when Ryan's car pulled away, the limo pulled up. I smiled to myself, walking out the door while grabbing my over night stuff, keys and purse, and went to greet the girls.

"HEY GIRLIIEEE!" Bria squealed, giving me a hug.

"Hi!" I smiled, putting my things down next to me in the seat.

"Are you ready to party?"

"Hell yeah I am!" I said, making everyone giggle. "Hey Madi and Brenna!"

"Hi!" They said at the same time.

"Oh by the way, (Y/N), you can leave your stuff in here, we're keeping the same limo on the way back, he's waiting in the front of the club until we are done," Bria said.

"Are you sure that's okay? I mean we might be in there for a really long time."

"Yeah, he literally told us that he's going on his phone," she laughed.

"Honestly same," I agreed, laughing. The driver pulled up to the club, and opened the door for us.

"Have fun, ladies," the driver said and tipped his hat.

"Thank you!" We all said.

When we got in the club, I saw the most of the club was filled with people I knew. People from my high school, and people that I just knew from random places that I couldn't remember.

"Bria! This is amazing!" I said, and gave my best friend the biggest hug I could.

"It's no big deal! Now, I told the DJ all your favorite songs. Go party as a free woman while you still can!" She exclaimed while jokingly giving me a slap on the butt.

I found people I hadn't talked to in a while, and caught up with them. Then, I danced my life away, and had the best time of my life. Honestly, I have never had a better girl's night than tonight. I'm glad I got to spend my last night as (Y/N) (Y/L/N) with the girls I love the most. I'm also glad tomorrow I'm getting married to the love of my life.


 (a/n: My loves, I am so so so so so so so so sorry for the late update, but I got unexpectedly busy on Sunday and Monday and forgot about an essay that I had to write that was due today, and it was a lot of work. Then, Wattpad was over capacity so I just gave up. Ugghh, Again, I am sooooo sorry, I feel really bad.


 I don't know if you could tell by the contents of this chapter, but the next chapter is going to be the wedding, yaaaaaaayyy. It is going to be a really long chapter obviously, and I could do two parts to it like stereotypical people, but I'm not gonna do that. If it's going to be 10 pages, it's going to be 10 pages. If it's 2 pages, it's going to be 2 pages, I'm not doing part 1 and 2, because that's annoying. I get out of school early tomorrow, so I will try to get it started then, then have it up by the weekend maybe? Idk don't quote me bc last time that happened I was 3 days late ;)

 I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter! And the next chapter will be better! And thank you for 31k! I love you all!

 Thanks so much for reading! Love you! xoxo)

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