Chapter 50:

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(Y/N)'s POV: 

I woke up to the sudden shift of the bed beside me. A shift that happened over and over... and over and over and over. Confused, I made myself fully wake up. I looked beside me, and saw Justin laying on his back, bouncing up and down on the bed. 

(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)," Justin chanted. 

"What, goofball?" I giggled, and pushed his chest a little. 

"Guess what?" He asked, still bouncing. I straddled him so he would stop bouncing, and pinned his hand above his head on the bed. 

"What?" I smirked. 

"I just booked our honeymoon! That's another check off our list!"

"That's great, baby! Is that why you were so excited?" I asked. He nodded, making me chuckle at his silliness. As I looked out the window, I saw rain trickling down the window. "Ugh," I started, plopping back down on the bed. "Maybe that's why I'm so tired. I actually wanted to do something for our wedding today, too."

"Aw, baby, we can still do things. You know what we can do? We can complete the things that need to be called or ordered in order to get them. Things that we can do from our very own home," he said while smiling.

"That's actually a really good idea," I smiled back. 

"I know," he said while winking. "So what do we have left to do?"

"Ummmmm..." I said while quickly pulling up the word document. "We still need to take care of the legal stuff, invitations, flowers, outfits for me, you, the bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower girl and ring bearer, including the outfits for the reception, which we still need to plan, the food, rings, decorations and hair, makeup and nail appointments for me."

"Okay, so today we could take care of designing the invitations, and the food today. The flowers are another thing we could do online, but if we ordered them now, they would get here in a week, and totally be dead for the actual wedding."

"Yeah. So should we do the invitation first? That should be easy I guess."

"I'll get the candy!" He chuckled. Justin planned on having us eat candy while we worked, which I thought was adorable, and also not too weird, because we were still a young couple. 

"Alright," I said, while plopping down on the bed. "Invitations. I have here that we are inviting around 60 people, but because of numbers, and people we might forget, or become friends with in between now and the wedding, we should make 75."

"Yeah, and you have neat hand writing, so what we could do is just have a standard invite, and then you can write their names in fancy letters if we want," Justin said, popping a Skittle in his mouth.

"Alright, good. By the way, I totally forgot to invite Austin Mahone, so fyi, he's coming," I giggled.

"Okay. So do you have a website from where we are ordering the invites?"

"Yeah, I found a page."

"Nice!" We visited the page together, and the first thing that popped up was picking a font for the invitations. We decided on some nice, fancy one that seemed formal. Then, we did the whole "Who, What, When, Where thing" (Saying that for the reception to just have a line of cars following to the venue, because we didn't know where it was yet, and it didn't really matter where it was because we were planning on doing that anyway, just because it might be cool), and we also put nice wedding-related pictures on it. We chose a nice ivory color for the actual invites to be printed on, and then clicked "order." Then, Justin being Justin, entered his payment information, and let me do the honors of actually clicking the second "order" button, which made our purchase actually successful. I was sp happy that we completed something else so easily, so I gave Justin a big, wet kiss on the cheek.

"Yay! Now for the food!"

"Do you have a place in mind for food, too?"

"Yep! It has great ratings, and is not obnoxious with pricing either."

"You are so efficient," he smiled and gave me a kiss. "Give me your laptop, I'll do the work and clicking and stuff for this one."

"Okay," I said handing him my laptop.

"Okay, so what do you want for the appetizer? They have biscuits, deviled eggs, finger sandwiches, or various dips."

"Finger sandwiches sound good," I smiled.

"Okay, and the main course?"

"Do they have grilled chicken?

"Ahhh... yeah, they do. Is that what you want?"


"Alright, that was easy-"

"Wait, Justin?"

"Yeah, babe?"

"Why am I making all the decisions for both of us?"

"Well, a smart person once told me that the wedding is the woman's day, and to back off," he chuckled. 

"Was that person your mom?"

"Maybe..." Justin blushed, making my giggle. 

"Plus, I'm all for everything that you're saying. Okay, so the sides?"

"Um... how about steamed broccoli, brown rice and mashed potatoes?"

"Mmm," Justin replied. "I'm already hungry for the food at our wedding. Alrighty, and the dessert?"

"Uh, in addition to the cake, we should also have like a strawberry cheesecake or something."

"Sounds fantastic. Last, we have the drinks."

"I guess what we could do it just have like the general soda thing, and we could have your mom like have to sign off or something, because we're underage, on like a drink bar? Like-"

"I know what you mean, and it's a great idea!"

"Yay! So we are all done! Right?"


"How long did that take?"

"Uh," he said checking the time. "Like four and a half hours."

"Hours? Wow, it didn't seem like that much."

"Yeah, it really didn't, but it was worth it," he said, kissing me. "Let's hope the time until our wedding flies by, I just you to be officially mine," he smiled. 

(a/n: HEYY!! Thank you so much for 26k! You guys are the best!

Okay, so I'm just gonna say that this story already has 50 chapters, and I hope none of you are getting annoyed. I know fro personal experience that when stories are 75+ chapters, they are annoying, and once I get to like the 60 chapter mark or something, knowing that there are a lot to go, I kind of dread reading the rest, and am miserable, and feel like I HAVE to read the rest, just because I got this far, yanno? (I hope none of you think I'm a jerk now lol)

What I was trying to say by this was this chapter is only going to be about 15 more chapters, even though that's like 65 lol. It might not be exactly 65, so don't quote me on it haha. I also predict.. *pulls out crystal ball* that the wedding will be in about the next 6 chapters! None of the chapters will be fillers, either, something will happen in every chapter ;)

I will try to update as soon as I can! (Just to let you know, as of right now, Tuesdays are the only I don't have something to do after school. Although, the activities are going to be ending soon. I will be free on Wednesdays as well starting on Black Friday, and I will be free everyday after the 6th of December, after the last performance of the musical that I'm in (my half birthday :D). So please bear with me until then! After that I will update more frequently!

Thank you for reading and for your positive feedback as well! Love you! xoxo)

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