Chapter 53:

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 (Y/N)'s POV:

 "Come on, (Y/N). Geeeettt reeeaaadddyy," Justin begged. Today, he wanted to go to the jewelry store to order the rings and to the party store downtown to get decorations for the reception. The church was nice enough to decorate the church for us on our wedding day. I'm really looking forward to it. The sad part is, it's 8 months away.

 "Okkkaaayyy," I whined. I lazily stood up from the couch, and went upstairs. I knew that Justin was already ready, so taking my time would be rude. I quickly opened the closet, and picked out a cute outfit to wear. I smiled really wide at the box on the floor in my closet, with the name of Bria's aunt's bridal shop on it. I got dressed, quickly applied makeup, and met Justin back downstairs.

 "Ready?" He smiled, sticking his hand out for me to take. I smiled back and nodded, taking his hand. He grabbed his car keys, and then we were off.

 "Hi, how may I help you?" A person whose name tag said "Clint" asked.

 "My fiancee and I are looking to get our wedding bands," Justin responded, squeezing my hand happily.

 "Great! So just find one that you like, and that's all there is to it!" Clint said. "Do you know what each other's ring size is?"

 "Justin is a 9, right?" I turned to him and asked, confirming.

 "Yep! And you're a 7."


 "Fantastic! Go ahead and look around," Clint said.

 Justin's POV:

(Y/N) went off to do her own thing, and I went off to do mine. I don't know how I was supposed to find a ring perfect enough for my perfect fiancee, but I guess I'll try. I looked in the glass boxes with the rings in them and tried to find a good one. They were all nice, but they suited other people, not (Y/N). I think she already picked one for me, but I really couldn't find one.

 I was ready to give up, when I sighed and looked into a jewelry case that I hadn't looked in yet. My eyes widened as I saw the one in the front row of rings. The perfect one. This ring was thin and had small diamonds all around it. It was really elegant and matched her engagement ring perfectly. I told the closest worker which one I picked, and they told me they would tell Clint my decision. Then, I me (Y/N) where she was standing.

 "Have you found your rings yet?" Clint asked, walking over to us.



"Great! Do you want to see each others?" (Y/N) and I exchanged glances, and we shook our heads at each other.

"It's better if we keep it a surprise until the wedding day."

"Okay. Have you told a worker which one you chose?" We both nodded. "Great. Now, our delivery method is simple. We deliver them to the place where you are getting married, and they keep them there."

"That's really convenient." 

"Yeah," (Y/N) agreed. Clint then lead us to the register, and I pulled out my credit card and paid for both our rings. We told him the name of the church, and he found the exact address and entered it in the system.

"You're all set, congrats and thank you for shopping with us!"

After we left the jewelry store, it was time to head to the party store across town to find some decorations. During the car ride, (Y/N) and I had a discussion about how excited she was for the wedding, and how great but sad that after we got the decorations, we were done with planning, because Ryan and Bria were taking care of the bachelor and bachelorette parties. Once we got there, I opened (Y/N)'s door for her and held her hand while we walked inside. This was one of the few things that we could do on our own, and there was no one to help us. It's not a bad thing, but it's odd, because we had someone helping us with like everything. (Y/N) lead me to the wedding section of the store, and starting browsing through the decorations with me.

"These are nice," I said, motioning toward mints in little packages that say "Just Married."

"Yeah! We could put a bowl of those on each table!" (Y/N) suggested.

"That's not a bad idea," I smirked.

"Oooh! And we could put one of these with them!" She added, pointing to little decorated stands that said the same thing. "This is fun!"

"Yeah, it's not as dull as shopping for something like groceries," I joked.

Together, we picked out a lot more decorations. Personally, I am not a decoration guru, but looking at all the decorations, I could picture what the hall we chose for our reception was going to look like.

At the check out, I also pointed out the balloons they had. I suggested that I would come back for them the day of the wedding, because after 8 months, the balloons would be pretty deflated. The things were paid for, and (Y/N) grasped the bags and excitedly exited the party store.

When we got home, I gave (Y/N) a big kiss, and a big hug.

"We're done," I mumbled against her lips.

"We're done," she repeated, pulling away.

"Now, we can relax for the next 8 months," I said, puling her down on the couch and turning on the tv, cuddling up with her.

(a/n: Hi lovelies! Here is the update I promised! :) I hope you liked it :) AND THANK YOU FOR 30K FUJBEJHBVEYFGE I LOOOOOOVVVEEE YOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUU

Like I said in the last author's note, I will NOT be updating again until Sunday! Sorry! Wish me luck in Godspell though! ;)

I'm actually surprised I don't have writer's block yet, because I've written so much in the past two days haha

Thank you for reading! Love you! xox)

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