Chapter 49:

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(Y/N)'s POV:



"Ugh," I moaned, waking up. "Justin, go get it."

"Just let the machine get it," Justin mumbled. 

"Hello, this is Chanel from Dorsey Bakery, and I am just calling to confirm that you and your fiancee, (Y/N) are coming in today-" Then, Justin jumped from the bed and ran to pick up the nearest land line. 

"Yes, we will be there. Eleven o'clock, correct?" I heard a faint response come out of the phone, but because Justin didn't have the speakerphone on, I couldn't hear. "Okay, see you then. Bye," Justin said before hanging up.

"Justin? What time is it?"

"Nine thirty," he said, while pulling the covers off me. I groaned and stretched. "Get up, we have to be at the bakery for eleven."

"But we haven't had to do anything productive in a while, and I'm not ready yet," I whined. 

"One, yes we have. We haven't been sitting around doing nothing for the past three months. Two, too bad, get up. I'll even make breakfast. What do you want?"

"Cereal, please."

"Okay, baby. Now get up," Justin said. He slapped my butt and then exited the room. I groaned for the millionth time this morning, and then made my way out of bed.


"Hello, welcome to Dorsey bakery.  What are you looking at today? Cakes? Cupcakes? Cookies?"

"Actually my fiancee and I have a cake tasting today. I know we're a bit early, bu-"

"Oh, no problem. She actually doesn't have any other things to do right now, so if you both could head to the back, we could get you situated."

"Thank you!" Justin and I took a seat in the area in the back of the bakery that I assumed was for meetings. Moments later, a lady came over to us and sat down at the other end of the table.

"Hello, I'm Chanel, and I will be helping you out today."

"Yes, I spoke to you on the phone this morning," Justin said.

"Yep! Okay, so this is really simple. Basically what we do is bring out a bunch of different kinds of cake for you to try, and you both can discuss which ones you like. If you want after, if you need to try any again, we can absolutely do that for you."

"Great! Sound easy enough," I smiled. 

"Oh it's super easy. This should take 45 minutes, an hour tops."


Justin and I then tried a bunch of different cakes. We tried chocolate, vanilla, marble, lemon, confetti, yellow, carrot and red velvet. As Justin and I discussed what we liked and didn't like after we tried them, we seemed to agree on practically everything which was just spectacular. We both liked the chocolate, vanilla, yellow and confetti, and weren't really a fan of the others. Chanel went to clean up as we made our final decisions, just so we could talk amongst ourselves. While we were talking we also discussed the frosting and such. We finally came to a conclusion once Chanel came back. 

"Have you decided yet?"

"Yeah," Justin started. "We're going to just get the classic vanilla cake."

"Fantastic. Have you thought of frosting yet?"

"Do you have cream cheese frosting?" I asked.

"Of course we do! Now did you just want the regular vanilla filling between each layer?" Chanel asked. Justin and exchanged glances, and nodded. "Perfect. And how many layers?"

"How many do people usually get?"

"Is it going to be a big wedding?"


"Then the typical amount of layers is probably about five or six." Justin and I looked at each other, smirked, and both replied at the same time.


Both Justin and I's favorite number is 6. It's Justin's because of sports and such, but it's mine because my birthday is in June, but also because it is the most common number I see around. It's odd, but also cool because it's always around. Sort of like it 'haunts' me, but in a good way. 

"Okay then. Is there a specific color theme to your wedding to go with the white frosting?"

"We're doing purple."

"Okay. What do you want for the design?" I looked at Justin, and he just looked back at me, signaling that it didn't matter to him.

"Um... could you do random but cool purple swirls and such around the end of each tear? Is that okay, Justin?"

"Sounds good to me." We both looked back at Chanel.

"Me too! I know what you mean, too. Like swirls connected by curvy likes almost?"

"That's exactly what I was thinking!"

"Great then! Your cake will be simple, but extravagant at the same time. It will be lovely."

"That sounds great!"

"Yeah, it really does," Chanel said as she lead us to the register, while talking still. "Now, you won't have to pay until you actually pick up the cake around your wedding date, but if you have a budget, I would say to save around $500 for this cake."

"Alright, that's fine," Justin responded.

"When is the wedding?"

"June of 2016."

"Alright! We'll check back with you when it gets closer to the actual date of the wedding, just to confirm that we will start making it and such, but if you have any questions, feel free to call."

"Thank you, that's really helpful!"

"No problem! I'll see you or talk to you later!" Chanel said, waving to us while we walked out.


"Yay! That's all good!" I squealed.

"Yep! One more thing to cross off our list  for planning your fairy tale wedding," Justin said, giving me a passionate kiss in the Dorsey bakery parking lot. 

 (a/n: Can we please just have a moment silence then a round of applause for the speed of this update, like, woah, that was quick. 

What did you think of this chapter? I get little feedback, but it still helps, so please comment :) I do apologize for the length of this chapter, but you can't really do much with a cake tasting yanno

But at least it was something amirtie

The next chapter should be up this weekend! <3 I'm pretty sure I know what is going to happen, so that's good ;)

Thank you for 25k! You are the best readers in the whooooolllleee world <3333

I will update asap! Thank you for reading! Love you! xoxo <3 )

P.S. Comment bacon if you see this ;) 

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