Chapter 14

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I woke up in the middle of the night, no longer able to sleep. I walked over to the bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror. I examined my face, hating the ugly reflection infront of me. A tear rolled down my cheek. I lift up my shirt, and looked at my stomach. The gut that popped out disgusted me.

She's so ugly.

Nicole looks like a whale.

He can do so much better.

She's the ugliest person I've ever seen.

Tears rolled down my cheeks quickly. My heart began to ache. No one really new that I had the worst self confidence about myself. I hated everything about myself. I never thought I was pretty. People would say it, but there was always someone saying other wise. I hated myself. I hated the way I looked. To me I was gross.

"Nicole." I hear Dylan's raspy voice say.

I looked up at the mirror, and see him standing behind me. I turned to look at him, and bit my lip.

"Are you crying?" He asked, his eyes opening a little more.

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"There's something in my eye. It got super irritated and then this happen." I said.

I quickly turned back around, and splashed water in my face.

"I'm fine, Dyl. Really." I smiled through the tears.

"Let me see." He spoke.

Dylan walked up to me, and looked into my eyes. I knew he wasn't fooled by it, but I just didn't want to speak about what was going on.

"I don't see anything." Dylan says. "Maybe your tears cleaned it out."

He wiped my tears away with his thumb.

"Probably. I'm gonna go check on Julie. I will be in bed in a minute." 

"Okay." He says.

He leans in for a kiss, but ends up kissing my cheek from me moving. I walked off leaving Dylan in the bathroom. I walked into Julie's room, and see her fast asleep.

I get into her bed, and laid beside her. I played with my necklace, and closed my eyes. Slowly beginning to fall asleep on her bed.

The next morning I woke up, and Julie was gone. I stood up quickly, and hear giggling downstairs.

"Good morning beautiful." Dylan says, as he looks up at me.

"Hey. Good morning." I say.

"Mommy, mommy! Look what Dylan and I made."

A whole Lego castle was built. It was tall with multiple colors around it.

"That looks so cool baby." I say, sitting next to them.

Dylan looks at me, and back at Julie.

"Hey Julie, go look for Mr. Bear so he can guard the castle, okay?" Dylan tells her.

"Okay." She stands up, and runs off to look for her bear.

Dylan then grabs me, and sits me on this laps.

"Why didn't you come back to bed last night?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I must have fallen asleep when I checked on Julianna." I say.

"Hmm probably." Dylan easily says.

He places his hand on my cheek.

"How's the eye?"

He looks into my eyes.

"Better." I responded.

"You know what else would be better? If you told me the truth. I know you were crying last night." Dylan tells me.

"No I wasn't." I told him.

"Please, I know you like the back of my hand." He says.

"Dylan, you don't even know what's on the back of your hand." I said.

"Hair, knuckles, veins. Now back to what I was saying." He mentions.

I let out a little laugh.

"You're insanely stunning. The most beautiful girl I know and love. Don't let a bunch of people over the Internet, tear you down. Our relationship is about you and I. You think I care what those girls think about you? No. Because I know you're absolutely gorgeous, funny, smart, and my best friend." Dylan says.

I smile and kiss his lips.

"But I totally get why they are jealous. I mean look at me. I would want me to be my boyfriend if I was a girl." He jokes.

I laugh as I shake my head.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too."

We share another kiss, then Julie runs in with her bear.

"I found it!" Julianna yells.

"Where should we put him?" Dylan asked her.

"Right there. Protecting the front of the castle." She tells him.

Dylan sets it down.

"Perfect." He said.

Julie came to sit on the other side of Dylan. Her little eyes looked at me, then down at my chest. She reached out with her hand, and grabbed my necklace.

"What's that picture inside Mommy?" Julianna asked.

I looked down at the necklace that Dylan gave me. Our little baby. Julie wasn't aware of the situation. My eyes landed on Dylan's.

"It's a picture of your brother or sister." I say.

"I have a brother or sister?" She questioned.

"Julie. Mommy and Dylan were going to have a baby." I said. "But, somethings don't happen the way we expect it to."

"Where is the baby, Mommy?" She asked.

"In heaven." I say.

"Oh oh like my fish?"

"Not quite. This is a different heaven. This heaven is for people." I told her.

"Will we meet the baby?" Julie mentions.

I looked at Dylan.

"One day we will all be together again." Dylan tells her.


Short chapter I know. It was a little filler. Please comment<3 I love comments

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