Chapter 18: More Than What It Seems

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"Come on, dude, wake up already!" Casey exclaimed, kicking Donnie's leg.

"That's not gonna work!" April retorted.

"Yeah! What the heck was that?" Jamie responded.

"It was worth a try. Plus, I've always kind of wanted to do that," Casey confessed.

"I don't understand it. They won't wake up. It's like they're trapped. Trapped in their dreams," April said, sitting near Raph.

"Well, we need to figure something out. I'm scared of what could happen to them," Jamie replied, placing her hand on her crush's cheek.

In Raph's dream

In Raph's dream, he is seated at a table with his brothers just staring at him and a pizza box in the middle of the table. Then their faces turned into creepy clown faces and an orange, creepy beaver emerged from the pizza box.

"I am Dread Beaver! And your soul is mine!" it shouted.

Raph was instantly tied to a chair by snakes and in the center of a stage surrounded by fire. His brothers were playing hard rock while a huge snake came out and lunged. All Raph could do was scream.

In Mikey's dream

In Mikey's dream, he was just giggling and skipping in this La-La Land of a place with cookie trees, talking candy, and smiling clouds. He came across a blue beaver that actually didn't look scary, but cute.

"I'm Dave Beaver. I'ma 'sposed ta scare you," it replied jokingly.

"Really? Then I guess you should've left your adorable buck teeth at home, Dave," Mikey said.

"They are adorable, aren't they?" Dave smiled and chuckled.

"And check out your widdle paddle tail! You wanna play ping-pong?" Mikey asked.

"I kinda do, yeah!" Dave nodded.

"Sweet!" Mikey replied.

A laughing ball hit him in the head but they started to just hit the ball to each other, using their hands or tail.

With the others

Casey, April, and Jamie checked Mikey, who was smiling and mumbling in his sleep.

"Mikey actually kinda looks okay," Casey replied.

"Yeah, but his pulse is getting weaker," April said.

"They all are," Jamie agreed.

"So, they're sick?" Casey asked.

"None of them has a fever, but I feel something strange," April explained.

"Like, something is draining the life out of them," Jamie added.

"Can you guys get through to them somehow?" Casey wondered.

"We can try," April answered.

"Wait! That Bernie guy asked if we'd been feeling tired," Casey brought up.

"And that book he had. Somniorum. It's Latin for 'dreams,' or 'of the dreams,' I think," April said.

"Well, if he knows something about this, he better fix it," Jamie remarked.

"I'll go see what's in that book. You girls do what you can here," Casey decided.

"You do Donnie and Leo. I'll do Raph and Mikey," Jamie suggested.

"Okay," April agreed.

They concentrated as they put the tips of their fingers on the turtle's heads.


Donnie was running through the sewers then an office as Dark came from all directions to try and get him.

"No!" he screamed as he went through an elevator then through the fridge in the lair.

He slammed it shut and saw a can of coffee with a familiar face on it. He grabbed it to get a better look at it.

"Wait. Is that April?" he asked to himself.

"Wake up!" it yelled before the beaver attacked.


Leo continued to fight Dire, but kept getting his butt handed to him. He screamed as he was then sent flying into the air and the beaver was going to finish the job. But his phone rang which caused them both to freeze in midair.

"Well, aren't you going to answer?" Dire wondered.

"Okay," Leo said, getting his phone.

"Leo! You have to wake up. Wake up!" April yelled after Leo answered it.

"I am awake. I got super powers from a meteor, and now I'm fighting a giant beaver. And--" Leo exclaimed, thought about it for a minute, turned back to the beaver, and asked, "Hey, am I dreaming you?"

"Not a chance!" Dire answered, flinging Leo straight into the sun with him screaming.


Raph continued to scream as hard rock played and snakes wrapped around his body. The big snake came and ate his brothers and saved him for last. But before it could, it stopped and Jamie's voice came through.

"Raph! You have to wake up! Now!" she exclaimed through the snake.

"Huh?" Raph said, confused.

"Pardon me," the snake said after coughing and before lunging for Raph.


Mikey was starting to get really exhausted, but Dave continued playing ping pong, hitting Mikey in the head with the ball.

"Man, this ping-pong is really wearing me out," Mikey breathed.

"That's because I'm draining your life force!" Dave giggled.

"Oh, right," Mikey remembered.

A lollipop came over and told him,"Psst, hey, Mikey! Jamie says you should wake up."

"Please. I know better than to listen to a giant talking lollipop. Ha! I learned that one the hard way. Ow! Ugh," Mikey didn't listen as he got hit in the head with the laughing ball.


A/N All the guys are still trapped in their dreams. Let's hope Casey is getting anything.

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